I bought a Maslow about 2 months ago and have been slowly building it as I have time. I finally got the everything put together and successfully finished the calibration. I can move x,y, and z axis just fine. I haven’t fully measured accuracy, but if I tell it 1in left, mark it, then 1in right, and measure, it gets close enough for now. So I decided to start cutting the new sled.
I made my own version of the sled and brick holders in Solidworks, as I wanted precision mounting holes for the router, some pre-drilled locations for the various bracket screws, and a fillet done with a ball-nose. Other than that, it’s the same sled design. I moved the solidworks parts over to Fusion360 to do the CAM so that I can do tabs more easily. I also grabbed the maslow specific post-processor from AutoDesk for final exporting.
I decided to start with the brick holders, as they’re smaller and faster for initial testing, and no tool changes. I used GC to move my sled to where I wanted the part cut out and hit ‘Define Zero’. I then opened up the z-axis controls, touched my bit to the wood, and hit ‘define zero’ there as well. I then tried running my g-code.
It’s set to raise up 0.2in at the start, which it does and the DRO says 0.2 for the Z as well. It starts cutting the first hole, and I watch the Z DRO and it says it gets down to the target depth. It then goes to raise it back up to 0.2in before moving to the next hole, and this is the start of the problems. I marked where 0.2in ACTUALLY is on the router body. Instead of raising there, it raises a whole 10mm higher. However, the DRO on GC says it’s at 0.2in. Then when it goes to the second hole, it assumes it’s actually there and doesn’t get anywhere close to target depth. So then I checked the hole it cut, and sure enough it’s no where close to the actual depth it’s supposed to get to. Unfortunately I didn’t get an exact measurement, but I think it was around 0.25in, maybe more.
If it was only 1 or 2mm, then I would blame it on the crappy z-axis, but this seems a lot more like the control software or my G-Code. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why it seems to be changing my Z height by 10mm? I’ll be trying the same CAM later today but with the generic grbl post-processor to see if that fixes it. Other than that, I’m out of ideas.
edit: I saw somewhere that someone was having similar issues (on a smaller scale though) due to the router power being next to the z-axis motor cable. Just wanted to get it out of the way that mine are not near each other.