All built top left wont retract

I have everything build and ready to go. Updated all firmware and files.

Inwas able to extend all belts. However only 3 will retract. I can not get the top left to activate.

I will post video to YT shortly

When this happened to me, I upped the “Maslow_Retract_Current_Threshold” to 1700 (in maslow.yaml) and I have not had issues like this since.

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I’ll note that after things wear in a bit, it probably will take less current to
get there.

David Lang

No Joy, I event went up to 2000. When Extending the motor sounds different from the rest of them.

@bar @dlang If you watch the Second video, Should the Motor sound like that?

Gosh no. That sounds horrible. Shoot an email to and we’ll send you a replacement motor ASAP, that sounds like there is something wrong with it for sure.

If you want to try to figure out what is wrong with it there are two things which come to mind. Is it possible that a nut or something fell into the motor through one of the cooling holes at the top?

It’s either that or something is wrong in the gearbox.

@bar motor received, do you want the old one back for credit back from the manuf?

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No thanks, but I appreciate the offer! I don’t want to make you go to all the trouble to mail it.

If you want to crack it open and see what’s wrong in there that would be appreciated. Maybe we can learn something which could prevent it in the future.

I can absolutely do that

Well it looks like i found the issue @bar . One of the Magnets inside is broken. And its not sitting flat inside causing the magnet and the coil to rub

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Excellent! (Well not excellent, but that is great to know).

We’ll keep an eye on that and see if the manufacturer can do anything about it going forward.