One positive example is the Prusa 3D printer. They are open-source, yet they are successfully asking ~$650 for their printers, very expensive relative to alternatives. I think this is possible because of reputation. How much would you spend to get a substantially reviewed and tested Prusa 3D printer, relative to a 3D printer of the same design, from an unreputable source?
They face the same obstacles as you. You should both be able to deliver the same product at the same price. There are some differences that result from larger volumes; I don’t think that is substantial. Your knowledge and experience easily surpasses that. Don’t be afraid of scale.
You might be surprised how incapable competitors can be. Many of them will be downright incompetent. Just because they have access to your “special sauce” doesn’t mean they can understand it, develop upon it, or implement it any more efficiently than you. Have you ever dug into a large code-base that someone else developed? It is difficult; a steep learning curve.
GPL is designed to protect you in this regard. You should be able to leverage any developments that result from their commercialization. This is an asset, not a liability.
Take a hard look at your goals and priorities. Write them down. How much would you like to get out of this, and how much are you willing to put in? This will help guide your decisions.
Imagine what they have that you don’t: marketing, scale, contacts, employees. Then, go out and get those things. Make sure you have them, too.
You invented Maslow, not them. It took initiative, technical competence, problem solving skills, etc. This is an accomplishment. You’ve already done a whole lot of hard work. Imagine the next big hurdle. Take initiative, leverage all your skills, and crush it. They won’t be able to keep up.
Just a few comments.