Any way to retention belts without recalibrating?

I got my Maslow4 successfully calibrated last night and went to adjust the waste board today. I used the release tension button thinking that I could reverse it by pressing apply tension, but bet the error message “[MSG:ERR: Cannot take slack until all axis are extended fully]”. Is there a way to retension the belts without removing them from the anchor points and recalibrating?

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You don’t have to re-calibrate, just Retract All, and Extend All and you should be good to go.

It may be that if you didn’t do retract all after calibrate, it wants you to do that step again.

It is possible to Extend All, Apply Tension, Cut, Release Tension, unhook an anchor or two and move it out of the way, unload/load material, Apply Tension and start cutting again. Right now the webUI has been a bit finicky so if it loses connection, etc. or if you power it off you need to do the retract/extend cycle.

Good luck and happy cutting.