Release Tension causes Full Belts to unspool

Not everytime, but sinceI’ve upgraded to 0.88, hitting ‘release tension’ causes maslow to fully unspool all the belts.

Any ideas if a recalibration will fix this? I’m planning on giving it a shot anyway to test out the mount point flexure analysis…

Would also be cool to be able to run the flexure analysis independently…


I have seen this too! I will investigate!

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It’s almost a “feature,” maslow slowly lowers itself to the floor… :slightly_smiling_face:‍↔

It got me thinking a little as I was extending the next go 'round that it might be possible for the initial ‘extend belts’ command to extend a few/five mm of belt when pressed as a quality of life improvement? I still get nervous when I have to man handle them to get the extension to start… I should note though as a sheerly qualitative observation that the extending seems to be running more comfortably once it begins as of a few updates ago…

Also curious as a general discussion topic, how do people minimize homing? Are there people who leave maslow on and powered all the time? I usually take moslow down, retract the belts, and power down at the end of every day I use it…

I have been using Release Tension when I am packing up the M4 to assist in getting the belts off the anchors. Occasionally one of the belts will start unwinding, and if not quick enough it will double over and wind on backwards, damaging the belt when it tightens.
After power recycling the M4 prior to “Release Tension” I have not seen this problem.

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I am aware of this but (it came up in the forums before) and it has been fixed, but that firmware hasn’t been released yet. It sounds like we’re due for a firmware release

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