Broke 6 of them and the Maslow nearly fell off of the frame. Anyone else have this issue? IMHO this design shouldn’t be in the Not Shop w/o some modifications — I saw someone in the forum paid to have them printed which would be really frustrating to then have them all break. They do look really slick though!
I think the issue is that the walls are super thin on the top support and It could use a radius on some of the hard interior corners (seemed to be a major stress point on mine). Happy to take a crack at a redesign if someone has the editable design file.
Shoot, I haven’t seen this at all yet! What retraction force are you using? I can beef up the design on the Not Shop once I get a change this week. But give me a sec and I can share the onshape file too. We also have the frogmouth anchors, which are intended to be the sturdier option.
1300 I think? Almost went with the frogmouth, but they took way longer to print and the triangle ones fit the frame design so nicely! I’d imagine the strength of the material plays a large role, but I’ve had good results with this PolyTerra PLA in the past.
BTW, I think you shipped the spare parts I ordered — thanks!!
Here is the file with both of them and a few more we didn’t publish on the Not Shop, so have at it. And Yes, I think most people opted for the triangle for the reasons you listed. Part of me also thinks maybe I gave the frogmouth anchor too weird of a name, so that’s a good lesson for me in marketing
Added 2mm to each side, the top, and the bottom hole that supports the pin. I think the issue I had was the contact area in the bottom hole was pretty thin and allowed the pin to rock a bit, thus putting lateral pressure on the top support. Tried to solve for that with the increased contact area in bottom hole (highlighted in the screenshot) and thicker sides & top. As such, we’ll need a 25mm - 30mm pin instead of 20.
I’ll print it out and see how it works. FWIW, I don’t have the quick release pins.
Also updated the title, because it’s a cool design, def not “worthless”. Sorry about that!
Here’s the result of the updated beefy design. They feel super solid now and I’m experiencing virtually no play on the machine. Hoping to run a cut tonight and see how they perform.
I temporarily had the pins in the wood and the tension from the belts cocked the pins in the wooden bores. This seems like it’ll be able to handle the tension from the Maslow just fine. If anything, I’ll upgrade from PLA if need be.