Link to the post mentioned above: M2 kit and Webcontrol
- No, The DUE Arduino and the DUE motor-shield will not work with GC or WC.
- For Makerverse to work with the DUE Arduino and the DUE motor-shield, we don’t have enough feedback in the Forum to answer that. Maybe the users on Fakebook know more. I don’t know, hardly go there. For the ‘old’ hardware, Arduino Mega and matching motor-shield, Makerverse is under development and about to be tested.
- (answered in your previous post) Use the z-axis upgrade to get advantage of higher z-precision and z-speed. Adjust the z-pitch.
I don’t get the concept of asking the same questions in 2 different posts. Are you expecting different answers? It just makes it more difficult for people that want to help and for you to follow the answers
(not mean it in a bad way, just as a tip )