Best Camera for monitoring

I have a few security cameras. Some were hard to setup, some required more band width than they should. This one is just right -

Thank you

  • by the way, I’m not affiliated with or paid for this. I just find it easy to use.

I recently set up a couple of Zmodo’s pan/tilt models in our warehouse. If the software is the same on this one, it’s definitely a winner.

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While we can’t determine intent, this last post has my spammy senses tingling.

Been dealing with spam for 20 years, email and forum…

@Towly, hope I’m wrong, why did you post this?


Copy that and seen 2 more quarantined by the forum automatics.
Always like joined 2 hours, read 2 minutes, post a link.

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Flagged as spam :+1:

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Short signup to first post, posting in old topics (target is often search engines, not forum members), off topic, poor grammer (as in posting in a second language), originating in certain poor to emerging countries, etc are all big flags on questionable posts. So is the IP address (don’t seem to have access to that here) being flagged in Questionable is important, lots of good posts can trip these too so it’s tough to automatically screen most of them out.

Spam posts/topics should be removed since they’re frequently targeting search engine optimization and not us. IP banning might help, but it’s kinda a judgement thing. Ban the account and edit any links out of the spammers profile (that SEO thing), enough ban/delete and they’ll usually give up and go elsewhere.

Spam often originates in low income parts of the world. I like to think of them as just trying to earn a living, hate the message kind of thing. Doesn’t mean I’d hesitate to take action, though.

One or two posts isn’t a real problem but if one develops I’m willing to be a mod.

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Does temporary hidden mean it’ll come back when nobody’s looking? Don’t know how Discourse handles this.

I think it’s gone for good. It was actually automatically flagged as spam to so we know the filter is working :slight_smile:

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I was still getting them in e-mail a little bit ago.

I deleted an almost identical message a few days ago on this very thread… It was waiting for approval from an admin. I wonder why this one made it through but the other didn’t…


I checked the logs and it shows who did it :wink:
I checked the emails for 2 similar posts and the emails were identical. However I left them untouched (did not unsilence them)

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I let this one through :pensive::grimacing::worried::flushed:



i think i might get a couple of these for my son(6months)

Not sure if you would be interested in ‘Homework’ or you have already done it.
Just in case :slight_smile:

Gero, do you know to what level these crawlers will dig into a forum? Do they just skim post titles or do they dig into replies too? (For links and whatnot)

We might be able to be a little proactive if we can edit a post title here and there to prevent it from being targeted.

This spam has gotten a lot more sophisticated since I last admin’d a forum!

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yes i was quite aware about thats thanx 4 the assignment

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I have no idea how they dig and agree that being proactive is a good idea.
Even if it’s only a few now, this can spread fast. (Was on an anti spam task force 2005 and sensors are still alive)
I’ll start to collect statistical data like

  • IP
  • email
  • post topic
    if that is ethical for flagged posts.
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It’s a question of how you want to live. Also where you point your camera.

“These cameras may not exactly invite cybercriminals into your home, but they don’t do everything in their power to keep the criminals out, either.”

Edit - I decided this post wasn’t in the spirit of the conversation and have removed most of it.

Thank you

I have a 5$ one from China with a free cloud service! It remains unplugged, but the casing is cool and will go with the pan/tilt on an robot. If I can isolate the camera from the rest, might put it to use. Otherwise, trash can.

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This is where my Security Paranoid Person comes in. I have a son who is now grown. I have probably posted just over 10 pictures of him on line in his life. I don’t do social networks, however. Early on I thought of the types of predators that are in the area, if you are in a metro area this can be an issue. I decided I would only share pictures directly by e-mail. This is in a time where it was popular as you birth was playing out people got a website in the childs name and posted every dam detail.

In my mind it came down to this - Here is where you can find my son when I’m at work. Nothing I ever wanted to advertise. School pictures at the school play. Open the geo tag on this photo to find out where my child is during the day. Be carful and thoughtful it will all be good.

There is a easy way to do this and make it safe - Setup your own well secured network and do not inter-connect it with the www internet, use this for your cameras.

This is just me thinking as a parent in a really big city.

Thank you

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