Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you are having problems calibrating.
When you start Ground Control do you see text under the arrows on the right that says “Connected” and gives information on the Controller board such as version number?
- If not they you need to configure the port to which the Malsow is connected.
Do the motors respond when you are on ‘Step 4: Set Sprockets Vertical’ and press the ‘5 CCW’ or other buttons?
- If not then check the connections between the motors and the controller board.
If so then perhaps you should test the motors ‘Actions’ → ‘Test Motors/Encoders’. What are the results?
- If you get a ‘Fail’ then something might be broken. Could be poor connections as in above point.
If you get this far then have a look at the following guide for more info:
It would be helpful to get more information such as:
- What operating system are you using to run Ground Control (Windows, Mac, Linux)?
- What version of GroundControl are you using?
- Are you using the Ring based sled?
In general try to be as descriptive as possible and explain what you did going through the calibration process (e.g. buttons pressed, options selected, text inputs entered), which stage you got to, and what went wrong.
One thing I noticed is that the calibration sometimes fails if you use the ‘back’ buttons. If you need to go back then I suggest starting the whole calibration process again.