Calibration and comms an isssue

What does “Connection failed! is your FW correct?” mean? I had no problems with logging on last week. MAC M1 with Sonoma and Chrome. Also was able to complete the 5 x5 calibration with a fitness>1.05. However on the 7 x&7 I get the following message: Calibration data not acknowledged by computer, resending.
Any ideas and would love some help.

FW is firmware. If you haven’t made any changes that may be an unhelpful message.

In addition to the error message, are you getting a bunch of calibration data back as well?

Scroll back up in the data and see if there is a “heartbeat” message in the middle of it.

We ran into that message today and it was because during longer data upload the heartbeat message was appearing in the middle of it, so it no longer looks like valid data, hence the error message.

If that is your situation, a fix is coming….

Did you update the Index and the Maslow.yaml File when you did the Firmware update? I had this same issue. I had to Delete the Index and Yaml file then upload the new ones and it worked fine!

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Yes, there was a heartbeat in the middle of it.
Thank you

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I thought I had completed the update, as per instructions, but will try again tonight.
Thank you

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Thanks for confirming - so great to get secondary confirmation! (for the overall project, less so for you in the moment!)
I had the same issue yesterday - I took my unit in to Maslow HQ and @bar and I did multiple 9x9 calibrations and ran into this. Bar hadn’t seen it before, but we tracked it down to the fact that the heartbeat log and data log are different calls but dump into the same stream. On smaller datasets it is less likely to show up, and behavior seemed different on my machine (Mac w/Safari, whereas Bar uses Firefox. Good to see confirmation with a different stack - Chrome). Also, the heartbeat is on 1s interval and the data not read re-send is on 30s interval so once it happened, it kept happening. Anyway, fix is checked in to keep them from stomping on each other (and timing tweaked so they should self correct even if it were to happen). Stay tuned for that update from @bar

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Ten days later, still waiting for my first successful calibration. No more heartbeats in the middle, no more issues with losing a connection. but still getting Calibration data not acknowledged by computer, resending. The sled has happily completed the first steps of the calibration with a fitness of over 2. However, never returned to centre. Clicked on calibrate again and it did the next round. Did that two more times and we completed a 9x9 grid. Never returned to centre, never acknowledged that it had finished, jst the above message. Love spending my evenings watching the sled travel. Would love to make something real. Any advice?

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This means that the browser is not acknowledging that it has received the data from the calibration process. It seems to me the most likely culprit would be an out of date index.html file. Do you have version 0.71 for both the firmware and index.html files?