Calibration how to

Too short to attach the sled. After several clicks on “retun to center” (whatever the “distance to move” setting in the control panel) the sled arrives and stops in the center of the white cross we see in the gcode preview area, but I’ve just noticed that the Y center position it calculates is half the height of the motor, and not half the work area height.

with wider than normal motors, the stock amount of chain fed out can be too
little to hook to the sled (depending on how much wider), there will be added
chain length needed overall, but that will limit travel to the bottom corners,
not the center and upper parts of the work area.

I think the groundcontrol.ini file would be worth looking at. On Windows, it should be in your home directory. The forum software doesn’t let you upload ‘.ini’ files, so zipping it might be needed.

"Return to Center’ should feed enough chain to reach (0,0) as calculated from the settings. I think on a very large frame, that might even be past the end of available chain :open_mouth:. I think there’s something else going on in this instance, though.

I wonder whether there is an ‘inches/millimeters’ thing going on here. In the groundcontrol.ini file, the settings values are in mm.
You listed metric measurements above, are those the values in the file? Some of the calibration steps accept either inches or mm, could there be an inch value among the settings?

I would thin that doing ‘return to center’ in the middle of the calibration
process is likely to throw things off.

"Return to Center’ comes at the end, after the calibration is finished. It is literally a ‘G00 X0.0 Y0.0’ with some Z axis management.

I’ve entered everything in mm, I will be able to check the .ini file next week only.

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I finally found time to try the latest software and firmware versions. I read that “the chains will now extend to the known distance as before during the calibration step, then the sled will be moved to the center of the sheet when the finish button is pressed for that step”. But it doesn’t go to the center unless I manually press 7 times the go to center Button. And the calculated center of the sheet is a few centimeters apart of the real sheet center. Would that be the expected behaviour ?

Very strange…your frame is very large, right?

What happens when you press the “finish” button for that step?

If you keep pressing the “go to center” button over and over does it eventually stop once it knows it’s in the center?

If it stops once it is on the center of the sheet I would assume that everything is good and it knows where it is. If it keeps moving past the center something is wrong and we need to investigate

Distance between motors is almost 3700mm. When I press the finish button, it just closes the window leaving the chains at the standard length. And After pressing go to the center several times, it does stop on the calculated center, red circle on the white circle.
But this is not the real sheet center. Thanks

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I’ve identified a bug in the code that updates changes to the machine geometry settings. @Bar has merged the code, so downloading the master .zip file would let you see whether that fixes the issue.


Ohhhh I haven’t added the “move to center” behavior to the chain lengths process yet, just to the step during the machine dimensions calibration. Will you give the automatic calibration process a go and if you like the way it works there I will make it the same during the chain lengths calibration?

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Alright, so I’ll go for another machine dimensions automatic calibration and tell you. May I skip the first steps to keep my present dimensions or go through every step? Shall I do something with the file before?
By the way, I went through the pattern test earlier today, and the vertical and horizontal measures were exactely the same at the second try. I don’t know what parameter this step changes, but it seems very efficient!

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Thanks! We’ve got the regular calibration procedure pretty dialed in and the new one for triangular kinematics is getting better every day

I think you should be safe to skip the first few steps, but it might be safer to do the whole thing to be sure because I haven’t tested all the combinations of skipped steps


What issues did You have with this router? Z-axis connecting problems? MOF001 did not fit inside of the ring kit?
I have a dilema between Makita RT0700 (with plunge base for z-axis) and this router.
Could You give any insight into the selection of router for Maslow?

there is a video on youtube where Bar goes through a bunch of routers and talk
about their suitability

the key thing is the ability to automate the height of the router. If you go
with an external lift mechanism, that doesn’t matter much

If your router is too wide to fit the ring, then you can go with my metal top
mount linkage kit, it handles routers up to 12" wide (and can be made wider if

David Lang