Calibration issue, Sled is not centered at the end of the measure and center operations

I redid the calibration operation very carefully step by step. Had issues with getting the chains where they needed to be without them falling off in the process and I made sure I kept everything correct with 12 O’clock positioning etc.
Got to the end, hooked up the sled and clicked on move to center. It’s not where it belongs. center of the bit is aprox 10 3/8 in from the left side, 19 in down from the top.

.ini file looks like this:
[Computed Settings]
distperrot = 63.5
kpposmain = 1300
kiposmain = 0
kdposmain = 34
propweightmain = 1
kpposz = 1300
kiposz = 0
kdposz = 34
propweightz = 1
kpvmain = 5
kivmain = 0
kdvmain = 0.28
kpvz = 5
kivz = 0
kdvz = 0.28
chainoversprocketcomputed = 2
fpwmcomputed = 3
kinematicstypecomputed = 2

[Maslow Settings]
bedheight = 1219.2
openfile =
motoroffsety = 438.0
sledwidth = 310
zaxissafeheight = 5
bufferon = 0
bedwidth = 2438.4
comport = COM4
macro1_title = Macro 1
sledheight = 139
macro2 =
macro1 =
zaxis = 1
sledcg = 79
macro2_title = Macro 2
colorscheme = Light
zdistperrot = 3.17
motorspacingx = -337.51

[Advanced Settings]
rotationradius = 140.0
chainextendlength = 1650
kiv = 0
gearteeth = 10
spindleautomate = None
kdvz = 0.28
chainsagcorrection = 0
chainpitch = 6.35
chainlength = 3360
propweightz = 1
zencodersteps = 7560.0
maxfeedrate = 800
enablepospidvalues = 0
rightchaintolerance = 0
enablevpidvalues = 0
maxtouchprobeplungedistance = 0.0
kpvz = 5
kdposz = 34
chainoversprocket = Bottom
kpposz = 1300
fpwm = 490Hz
kdpos = 34
encodersteps = 8113.73
truncate = 0
homex = 0.0
homey = 0.0
kinematicstype = Triangular
kipos = 0
kdv = 0.28
kiposz = 0
digits = 4
kppos = 1300
kpv = 5
propweight = 1
positionerrorlimit = 2.0
kivz = 0
leftchaintolerance = 0

[Ground Control Settings]
zoomout = pagedown
centercanvasonresize = 0
viewscale = .45
zoomin = pageup
validextensions = .nc, .ngc, .text, .gcode

[Background Settings]
backgroundfile =
manualreg = []

Any thoughts to get it in the right place?

Good news is the Z axis is set up and working.
Let me know if I need to post anything else

Thanks in advance

@Alric_O_Connor, did you update any settings in GC before starting calibration?

Never mind all. I figured it out. I found a thread with a walk through and figured out where I went wrong (and why the pic for the left motor for measuring between motors looked “wrong”
I didn’t understand the part about extending the chain from the left meant you really needed to feed the chain over the sprocket to the right motor. Re-did it properly and now my sled was pretty much in the center when I re-hung it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Off to the races!!!

I think putting a line on the page where you hang the sled should mention if it’s not pretty close to center you missed something.


Were you using the calibration wiki or just following the calibration steps in GC?

Tried to follow the steps in GC. And I was mis-interpreting them. However there is a thread here in the forums that is a more complete and detailed walkthough.

Yep. That’s what I asking. That was a life saver for me. There should be better communication from the new suppliers about using it to get started.