I think that until it can extend and retract reliably, any movement is suspect.
David Lang
Steven Marcus wrote:
I think that until it can extend and retract reliably, any movement is suspect.
David Lang
Steven Marcus wrote:
@bar Machines go through break in period which changes the amount of sense current to actual belt tension ratio so how does the calibration deal with this?
Okay. I guess I’m not sure how to proceed as I can’t get a bigger matrix of points to have enough fitness and the smaller has large inaccuracies i.e. > 200mm.
It doesn’t, the current measurement is just a cut-off limit.
David Lang
I’m unsure what else to do. To me it seems to operate ok. The calibration doesn’t work.
I have yet to be able to run even a test maslow logo successfully.
It is very much a work in progress. I’m 99% sure that the bug is in the mathmatics used to compute the anchor points, not in anything that you are doing.
The only real options are to hang tight and wait for someone to figure out what the issue is (probably me) unless you want to dig into the math directly.
Understood. And appreciate the clarity.
If I didn’t have a newborn baby I would be more up to jump into the math though at this point if you got me up to speed on it it would be longer than you probably just solving it.
If you want me to test different versions, options, etc. I would be more than happy to. I would guess the rock solid floor would be a good test bed if you need it.
Steven Marcus wrote:
I’m unsure what else to do. To me it seems to operate ok. The calibration doesn’t work.
can you now extend and retract reliably with it reading near zero when it
finishes retracting?
if not, either extend/retract a few more times, or you need to take apart the
arm that’s a problem and check everything.
David Lang
Yes extending and retraction reads 0 on all arms.
Final calibration to give additional data at a 5x5 matrix. 500 x 500 mm
Serial Messages
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 0.011]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.120 TR: 0.055 BL: 20.981 BR: 14.701]
[MSG:ERR: Center point deviation over 15.000mmm, your coordinate system is not accurate, maybe try running calibration again?]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 0 (0, 0)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 1 (0, -250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 2 (-250.000, -250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 3 (-250.000, -125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 4 (-250.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 5 (-250.000, 125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 6 (-250.000, 250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 7 (-125.000, 250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 8 (-125.000, 125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 9 (-125.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 10 (-125.000, -125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 11 (-125.000, -250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 12 (0.000, -250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 13 (0.000, -125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 14 (0.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 15 (0.000, 125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 16 (0.000, 250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 17 (125.000, 250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 18 (125.000, 125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 19 (125.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 20 (125.000, -125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 21 (125.000, -250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 22 (250.000, -250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 23 (250.000, -125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 24 (250.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 25 (250.000, 125.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 26 (250.000, 250.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 3]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 4]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 5]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 6]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 7]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 8]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 9]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 10]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 11]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 12]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 13]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 14]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 15]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 16]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 17]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 18]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 19]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 20]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 21]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 22]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 23]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 24]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 25]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 26]
[MSG:INFO: Calibration complete]
CLBM:[{bl:2221.94, br:2216.33, tr:2199.93, tl:2202.59},{bl:2071.06, br:2073.05, tr:2368.59, tl:2362.77},{bl:1854.14, br:2307.16, tr:2565.24, tl:2161.42},{bl:1944.54, br:2358.61, tr:2477.32, tl:2078.50},{bl:2022.16, br:2422.37, tr:2411.85, tl:1999.92},{bl:2103.82, br:2490.79, tr:2351.11, tl:1926.38},{bl:2192.28, br:2565.01, tr:2295.67, tl:1858.19},{bl:2274.10, br:2447.22, tr:2183.22, tl:1986.15},{bl:2171.37, br:2374.30, tr:2265.60, tl:2045.06},{bl:2096.35, br:2305.85, tr:2327.04, tl:2115.65},{bl:2026.35, br:2242.30, tr:2393.99, tl:2189.90},{bl:1961.62, br:2184.04, tr:2467.48, tl:2269.11},{bl:2090.15, br:2072.98, tr:2347.75, tl:2360.48},{bl:2152.48, br:2145.69, tr:2271.68, tl:2274.17},{bl:2222.05, br:2216.01, tr:2200.01, tl:2202.62},{bl:2295.97, br:2291.77, tr:2133.47, tl:2135.98},{bl:2375.87, br:2372.80, tr:2072.04, tl:2074.79},{bl:2467.61, br:2252.69, tr:1962.59, tl:2209.63},{bl:2372.66, br:2173.23, tr:2049.05, tl:2261.15},{bl:2304.17, br:2098.26, tr:2118.66, tl:2322.31},{bl:2240.52, br:2028.16, tr:2194.21, tl:2390.42},{bl:2182.19, br:1963.62, tr:2274.29, tl:2462.81},{bl:2312.02, br:1856.21, tr:2158.74, tl:2561.95},{bl:2364.32, br:1940.30, tr:2075.74, tl:2479.61},{bl:2427.65, br:2017.76, tr:1997.12, tl:2414.18},{bl:2496.54, br:2099.74, tr:1923.36, tl:2353.55},{bl:2569.94, br:2187.56, tr:1855.19, tl:2298.09},]
Computing… This may take several minutes
Fitness: 0.032636016219147086 in 100
Fitness: 0.04055428213983128 in 200
Fitness: 0.04491056864154216 in 300
Fitness: 0.04980446393923975 in 400
Fitness: 0.05540795338506719 in 500
Fitness: 0.06156024136243944 in 600
Fitness: 0.06847025910761945 in 700
Fitness: 0.0763034209501862 in 800
Fitness: 0.08599605128491473 in 900
Fitness: 0.09721301182942367 in 1000
Fitness: 0.10944070187036238 in 1100
Fitness: 0.12290921893133336 in 1200
Fitness: 0.13753236893068968 in 1300
Fitness: 0.1527105488675207 in 1400
Fitness: 0.16830822163446 in 1500
Fitness: 0.18472351664660908 in 1600
Fitness: 0.20099227070153558 in 1700
Fitness: 0.2182942976923433 in 1800
Fitness: 0.23753862288931196 in 1900
Fitness: 0.2572925720149044 in 2000
Fitness: 0.27690734262185784 in 2100
Fitness: 0.2947321983667946 in 2200
Fitness: 0.3112097244822964 in 2300
Fitness: 0.32732409930227596 in 2400
Fitness: 0.3423079166510346 in 2500
Fitness: 0.3549149419722943 in 2600
Fitness: 0.36481616585068233 in 2700
Fitness: 0.372204068175577 in 2800
Fitness: 0.37981051860923415 in 2900
Fitness: 0.3845787756742387 in 3000
Fitness: 0.3879569322802165 in 3100
Fitness: 0.39142687464898795 in 3200
Fitness: 0.39490950589436 in 3300
Fitness: 0.39768463234831225 in 3400
Fitness: 0.4011421801523915 in 3500
Fitness: 0.40320566242678435 in 3600
Fitness: 0.4047371570120733 in 3700
Fitness: 0.4060777989023961 in 3800
Fitness: 0.4071401967724857 in 3900
Fitness: 0.4082159501565059 in 4000
Fitness: 0.40869274761232505 in 4100
Fitness: 0.40887641252489854 in 4200
Fitness: 0.40928282925105086 in 4300
Fitness: 0.40963235741701237 in 4400
Fitness: 0.4099345506695092 in 4500
Fitness: 0.41019771201560984 in 4600
Fitness: 0.4104080802456145 in 4700
Fitness: 0.4104360086345886 in 4800
Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.4104360086345886
Maslow_tlX: -19.7
Maslow_tlY: 2186.0
Maslow_trX: 3839.2
Maslow_trY: 2186.0
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3817.1
Maslow_brY: 0.0
Ran another 4 x 4 , 400 x 400 calibration which worked. However running the maslow logo g code failed the same as the earlier attempt. At this point I believe I have to wait for a software fix.
Serial Messages
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Caution: Unlocked]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -0.021]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.164 TR: 0.069 BL: -5.775 BR: -8.843]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation within 15.000mm, your coordinate system is accurate]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 0 (0, 0)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 1 (0, -200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 2 (-200.000, -200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 3 (-200.000, -66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 4 (-200.000, 66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 5 (-200.000, 200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 6 (-66.667, 200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 7 (-66.667, 66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 8 (-66.667, -66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 9 (-66.667, -200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 10 (66.667, -200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 11 (66.667, -66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 12 (66.667, 66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 13 (66.667, 200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 14 (200.000, 200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 15 (200.000, 66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 16 (200.000, -66.667)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 17 (200.000, -200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 3]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 4]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 5]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 6]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 7]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 8]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 9]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 10]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 11]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 12]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 13]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 14]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 15]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 16]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 17]
[MSG:INFO: Calibration complete]
CLBM:[{bl:2190.61, br:2197.24, tr:2230.33, tl:2221.80},{bl:2103.11, br:2113.33, tr:2325.95, tl:2314.74},{bl:1923.74, br:2286.37, tr:2496.60, tl:2163.71},{bl:1984.70, br:2344.55, tr:2437.36, tl:2086.80},{bl:2056.27, br:2404.86, tr:2376.37, tl:2015.83},{bl:2130.05, br:2467.57, tr:2321.45, tl:1951.37},{bl:2237.50, br:2365.08, tr:2199.28, tl:2060.54},{bl:2171.71, br:2295.37, tr:2253.23, tl:2124.65},{bl:2104.03, br:2231.51, tr:2317.43, tl:2191.42},{bl:2042.89, br:2173.91, tr:2381.40, tl:2261.46},{bl:2154.21, br:2053.11, tr:2280.73, tl:2371.60},{bl:2216.55, br:2106.31, tr:2207.26, tl:2312.63},{bl:2279.58, br:2173.09, tr:2139.79, tl:2248.76},{bl:2345.74, br:2242.20, tr:2078.60, tl:2191.17},{bl:2460.44, br:2146.47, tr:1959.47, tl:2304.62},{bl:2401.82, br:2069.45, tr:2020.36, tl:2362.28},{bl:2340.79, br:1998.39, tr:2092.09, tl:2422.12},{bl:2285.97, br:1933.90, tr:2164.98, tl:2485.34},]
Computing… This may take several minutes
Fitness: 0.026799834903369055 in 100
Fitness: 0.37727046553628635 in 200
Fitness: 0.5560035399633383 in 300
Fitness: 0.58032027179416 in 400
Fitness: 0.6044356266688845 in 500
Fitness: 0.6261378490061064 in 600
Fitness: 0.6429008095985606 in 700
Fitness: 0.6554825180518247 in 800
Fitness: 0.6641600381280994 in 900
Fitness: 0.6676349153298724 in 1000
Fitness: 0.6701601220281163 in 1100
Fitness: 0.6726172215433647 in 1200
Fitness: 0.6749809925352502 in 1300
Fitness: 0.6771188997088727 in 1400
Fitness: 0.6792201954442528 in 1500
Fitness: 0.6814071848800106 in 1600
Fitness: 0.6835511081593856 in 1700
Fitness: 0.6857606666471453 in 1800
Fitness: 0.6879060881614939 in 1900
Fitness: 0.6900488809925829 in 2000
Fitness: 0.6920772997745973 in 2100
Fitness: 0.6936640723630361 in 2200
Fitness: 0.6948572089281368 in 2300
Fitness: 0.6959171307448047 in 2400
Fitness: 0.6969037888777361 in 2500
Fitness: 0.6977722365358566 in 2600
Fitness: 0.6985717421303448 in 2700
Fitness: 0.6993364975046275 in 2800
Fitness: 0.7000179974627148 in 2900
Fitness: 0.7006489831271113 in 3000
Fitness: 0.7011227358818771 in 3100
Fitness: 0.7015852177678421 in 3200
Fitness: 0.7020342143394701 in 3300
Fitness: 0.70250579602407 in 3400
Fitness: 0.7029625936732804 in 3500
Fitness: 0.7034351764437005 in 3600
Fitness: 0.703899575492244 in 3700
Fitness: 0.7043621074880525 in 3800
Fitness: 0.7048295697431326 in 3900
Fitness: 0.7054549800148131 in 4000
Fitness: 0.7060251195265226 in 4100
Fitness: 0.7063877442856586 in 4200
Fitness: 0.7068990734037636 in 4300
Fitness: 0.7073657071510216 in 4400
Fitness: 0.7078096603561188 in 4500
Fitness: 0.7082311473826185 in 4600
Fitness: 0.7084602982745379 in 4700
Fitness: 0.7088379402955727 in 4800
Fitness: 0.7092210150413721 in 4900
Fitness: 0.7093900614594267 in 5000
Fitness: 0.7095980084706134 in 5100
Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.7095980084706134
Maslow_tlX: -14.5
Maslow_tlY: 2200.7
Maslow_trX: 3840.8
Maslow_trY: 2186.0
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3816.4
Maslow_brY: 0.0
These values have been automatically saved for you.
You MUST restart your machine for them to take effect…I know that is annoying, it’s getting fixed ASAP.
Hi, I had mostly the same issue with firmware version 0.68.
Here are my log files:
Serial Messages
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -0.032]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -0.021]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset 0.011]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 0 (0, 0)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 1 (0, -275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 2 (-630.000, -275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 3 (-630.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 4 (-630.000, 275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 5 (-315.000, 275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 6 (-315.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 7 (-315.000, -275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 8 (0.000, -275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 9 (0.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 10 (0.000, 275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 11 (315.000, 275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 12 (315.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 13 (315.000, -275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 14 (630.000, -275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 15 (630.000, 0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Point: 16 (630.000, 275.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 3]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 4]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 5]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 6]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 7]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 8]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 9]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 10]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 11]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 12]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 13]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 14]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 15]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 16]
[MSG:INFO: Calibration complete]
CLBM:[{bl:2467.07, br:2474.05, tr:2467.22, tl:2467.25},{bl:2340.64, br:2340.52, tr:2615.10, tl:2622.68},{bl:1786.49, br:2937.06, tr:3149.23, tl:2135.54},{bl:1953.78, br:3036.50, tr:3027.80, tl:1949.44},{bl:2136.92, br:3157.40, tr:2925.49, tl:1786.42},{bl:2361.86, br:2878.95, tr:2630.44, tl:2065.49},{bl:2200.96, br:2743.72, tr:2742.22, tl:2213.12},{bl:2058.04, br:2630.38, tr:2878.63, tl:2379.73},{bl:2343.86, br:2340.49, tr:2616.71, tl:2623.28},{bl:2468.66, br:2473.69, tr:2467.16, tl:2467.17},{bl:2613.86, br:2619.39, tr:2340.56, tl:2340.51},{bl:2876.61, br:2367.40, tr:2058.05, tl:2633.70},{bl:2743.72, br:2200.97, tr:2205.20, tl:2747.90},{bl:2630.44, br:2058.03, tr:2371.03, tl:2884.55},{bl:2931.93, br:1786.36, tr:2135.53, tl:3155.64},{bl:3029.49, br:1958.05, tr:1949.45, tl:3027.80},{bl:3150.60, br:2139.87, tr:1786.42, tl:2925.50},]
Computing… This may take several minutes
Fitness: 0.015022051741029658 in 100
Fitness: 0.17620960626051588 in 200
Fitness: 0.19403454754073435 in 300
Fitness: 0.19592907579059785 in 400
Fitness: 0.19625445237569744 in 500
Fitness: 0.1965714595735559 in 600
Fitness: 0.19690037848978353 in 700
Fitness: 0.19726843191402377 in 800
Fitness: 0.1975166820120669 in 900
Fitness: 0.1977883700042861 in 1000
Fitness: 0.19800544364485886 in 1100
Fitness: 0.1982193794567893 in 1200
Fitness: 0.19841700925843528 in 1300
Fitness: 0.19858742382385008 in 1400
Fitness: 0.19874592513714015 in 1500
Fitness: 0.19886350303469683 in 1600
Fitness: 0.1989419431904968 in 1700
Fitness: 0.19894358568677295 in 1800
Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.19894358568677295
Maslow_tlX: 13.5
Maslow_tlY: 2214.6
Maslow_trX: 4422.6
Maslow_trY: 2187.3
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 4430.5
Maslow_brY: 0.0
If you have a chance, will you give
A try?
Or this version also?
Is there any recommended calibration matrix - points and size you’d recommend. I have the recommended 12’x8’ frame.
I will run it tonight.
For the first one I would recommend running a small (say 300mmx300mm) grid of 2x2 points first and then running a larger grid after that. Basically it will use the results from the earlier run to compute a better answer on the next run.
For the second version the grid is hard coded in (just while it’s experimental) so it will always run a 500x500 grid and it will ignore your settings.
Aye aye commander. I’ll report back later tonight.
I will try it out also. Where can I find the firmware?
These should link you to the topics which have the files for both options
Thank You Bar,
here are my results on a 3 x 3 grid with 300mm x 300mm on the interstitial release 0.68.1:
Computing… This may take several minutesFitness: 1.0430784 in 100
Fitness: 1.0512540 in 200
Fitness: 1.0571472 in 300
Fitness: 1.0600154 in 400
Fitness: 1.0621571 in 500
Fitness: 1.0644951 in 600
Fitness: 1.0668981 in 700
Fitness: 1.0691607 in 800
Fitness: 1.0715592 in 900
Fitness: 1.0731898 in 1000
Fitness: 1.0738207 in 1100
Fitness: 1.0742762 in 1200
Fitness: 1.0746376 in 1300
Fitness: 1.0749909 in 1400
Fitness: 1.0750308 in 1500
Fitness: 1.0752119 in 1600
Fitness: 1.0752119 in 1700
Fitness: 1.0752119 in 1800
Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 1.0752119350245126
Maslow_tlX: 1.5
Maslow_tlY: 2178.3
Maslow_trX: 4423.4
Maslow_trY: 2186.0
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 4435.5
Maslow_brY: 0.0
These values have been automatically saved for you.
You MUST restart your machine for them to take effect…I know that is annoying, it’s getting fixed ASAP.
my “frame” is almost perfectly square and has the measurements 4260mm x 2490mm.
That looks great!
If you then run a larger calibration say 5x5 at 900x900mm do those results hold up?