I have just finished my calibration of my maslow - I was part of the March order. Well…I’ve ran through all of the configuration steps, and it seems that my router is not vertically center. Horizontally it seems okay.
I assume this has to do with the measurement from the center of motor spindles to top of work. I’ve checked over and over again and the number I entered seems to be correct.
I’ve also went as far as clearing eeprom and recalibrating (a few times now)
Well, first - when I finish the calibration and I hit the “finish” button, nothing happens so I have to just close and then it give me the apocalypse warning lol.
The situation I’m referring to is after all calibration. The machine works also. Moves left, moves right, and is perfectly horizontally centered.
It’s just about 2.5 inches off vertically. When GC is set to (x0, y0) - my router bit is at about (x0, y-2.5) based on measurements I’ve made with a pencil in the router.
I still have the temp sled, so maybe this is the issue…it’s possible the ring is not entirely concentric, though I still would expect the margin of error to be less than 2.5 inches. It seems to be something about the measurement from motor spindles to top of work area.
Yes, the number is 444.5mm which is about 17.5 inches. I’ve built the newest ‘standard’ frame. I’ve measured this multiple times. It’s possible I’m off, but not by 2.5 inches unless I’m really that bad at math
I’m not familiar - is there a cutting process in calibration that I did not do? It hasn’t ever popped up for me during calibration. Where is that option located?
When doing the calibration at the end, there are five cuts that are made. four verticals and one horizontal (the horizontal one is in the top right of the board… that’s Cut 5. You are to measure from the top of the work area to the top of that Cut, iirc). If you aren’t reaching this step, then you aren’t getting all the way through the calibration.
With the triangular linkages, there is a place in the calibration that asks you to measure from the cut to the top of the workarea. I don’t think the quadrilateral calibration has that, it asks you to measure from the top of the workarea to the level of the motor shafts. Are you using one of the triangular linkages like the ring?
Yeah, you’re missing steps in calibration. The “This process begins over in a loop…” part is a problem. There’s steps after that that actually calibrate the machine. So the question is why can you not get beyond this point.
I know that the code is adding the proper calibration steps to the “stack” of steps and it might take a while to do so depending on your computer. How long are you giving it before you hit quit? What version of GC and FW are you using, what OS, and what are the general specs of the computer?
I ran through the loops of steps 3 times in a row before calling it quits - because the measuring distance between motors with the chains takes quite some time. I am on version 1.10 of both the firmware and GC on macOS as I mentioned above, and my specs are:
That sounds like a bug, but so far you are the only person that I am aware of that reported it. I’m not sure what could cause this problem… I’ll tag @bar, maybe he has insight.
It should come out horizontally correct because that’s based upon your distance between motors measurement. The vertical calibration (the hard part) are the next steps that for some reason you can’t reach.
Does it seem like it waits 5 seconds after saying that its generating the next steps before it loops back to the beginning? @bar added a change to the code a few days ago that wipes out the calibration stack at the beginning of the calibration process. I don’t think its been released, yet. Have you tried exiting GC and starting the program over?
I’d have to run through it again and specifically watch for that to be sure - I’m not positive. I’m taking a look through ground control source right now to see if I can identify the issue. I am a developer, but I’ve never used Python or kivy so following it is taking me a bit lol
edit: This is a response to below, but apparently I have reached my maximum number of replies for today… @madgrizzle
Ah - I can try to compile the latest master branch and see if that fixes my issue. As far as restarting, you mean going through the calibration until I get to the loop, closing the program, and going back into calibration?