Cannot connect at all New to this

Here is the problem I am having ,loaded the adrinio, nothing happens ,error messages ,com port 3 timed out ,etc
New to this ,not sure why so much trouble

Welcome to maslow cnc! The m2 due controller shown in your photo only works with makerverse software. You bought the newer processor that only works with the newer software. The older mega processors work with both.

So only use makerverse ,do i still download and install the firmware for the aridinu, or Uninstall and just use makerverse,

Your Arduino due shown in your photo should have arrived preloaded with the firmware. Makerverse runs on your control pc and will alert you if a firmware upgrade is required. I would suggest you get makerverse running on your computer and then when it talks to the controller (Arduino, due, Arduino due, brain, or whatever else we sometimes refer to it as) it will check the firmware version. Please follow the prompts from there and check back if you need help. There are some documents in the wiki on the basics of makerverse and how to flash the firmware if you need to upgrade just use the category link above and choose wiki.

Yes I got it to move finally in makerverse, now to calibrate

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