Using a Makermade M2 with makerverse 1.1.2. I had an issue where the left motor cable wasn’t plugged in properly. I fixed that and now my machine won’t set zero on the Y axis. when I jog the machine to the middle of my wasteboard and press “zero out machine Y axis” it changes the value to 105. It worked fine on the X axis but now makerverse thinks the router is 105mm above where it actually is.
I’ve recently had a very similar experience. In my case I “suddenly” lost my global zero in Y. Unlike @twodegree , I don’t believe I have an issue with the motor cables however. Time will probably tell for sure.
I’m also using a Makermade M2 with makerverse 1.1.2 (and v20200915 firmware). Here’s a visualization of the problem statement:
NOTE: The actual y-offset value was not always the same (see below for more on this).
What eventually fixed it for me was a complete re-calibration.
Below is a list of the things that didn’t work:
Using the “Zero Out Machine Y Axis (G28.3 Y0)” menu option
Using the “Set Machine Zero (G28.3 X0 Y0 Z0)” menu option
NOTE: Similar to @twodegree , these did work for the X and Z axes, but not the Y axis. Does this hint at a SW “feature”
A different SW platform. I also tried using makerverse running on a linux platform … even though I didn’t really expect the outcome to be any different
Any attempt to manually modify the controller state. I could basically observe the “offending” value but couldn’t find any information on how to modify it e.g. via low level commands
Using the console to “force” a re-zeroing. Again here I couldn’t find any information on the “G28.3” g-code shown in the GUI menu options, so I didn’t push this any further.
Resetting the chains.
I also noticed that when I wiped the settings (prior to the re-calibration), that the value changed in the GUI:
Successive setting wipes had not further effect on the value.
Hi, I’m new to the forum, and only have a handful of successful cuts, but I keep running into the issue here of the Y Axis setting the home below the actual home point on the stock, then not responding to any attempts to reset the machine home to 0. My experience has exactly like @bilzer046 above, point by point. I’ve run down the same attempted fixes with the same results. I ended up fully recalibrating twice now, and I’m on my third full recalibration and I have not even had the machine a week yet. Is there some solution to forcing the software to accept a new machine position of 0? I can’t keep going through the entire recalibration process every 45 minutes.
I don’t use my system THAT often but at the same time I have only ever experienced this once. That particular occurrence appeared “randomly” so I’m afraid I’ve no idea what the underlying root cause was. What config (hardware, firmware, software) do you have? Maybe that might inspire someone.
I don’t know much about Makerverse but with Webcontrol the router will sit high center after calibration but a right click center will drop the router to center. Home in webcontrol is wherever you want to home the cut on the board, center is always center, unless your calibration is off.
I’ve taken to moving the temporary Y axis to 17mm higher than where it continues to auto set to home, but if I cut anything close to the top edge I have to turn off the soft limit or else it auto stops, thinking that it is about to run of the top edge. So far I’ve found no other work around, and it continues to set home south of the actual center mark (but with high precision! Precision is ranging around 1.5mm). I’ve emailed this post to MakerMade, and reached out to the programmers of Makerverse and have not gotten any answers there. I’ll see if I can’t try out Webcontrol, and see if that works any better.