Cargo Ship Arrival

So, I’m pretty excited to see the cargo ship should arrive tomorrow… going to pick up some superstrut tomorrow as well. I’ve been very impressed with what I am seeing within this community and I am looking forward to joining in the fun.


Are you tracking the ship too?! :grin:

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I most certainly am! :grinning:

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Is docked in Tacoma Warshington. :grin:


We got the paperwork from customs on Friday so if we all keep our fingers crossed and hope that all the emails we sent to our customs agent telling them to hussle it onto a truck worked we should have them real soon


Awesome! Thanks for sharing @bar

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I just got a super cool email… I guess it means that my order from June then should be one of the first to ship? :smiley: woohoo! OK, technically, that was a reservation but I did order on December 1st. :wink: