Ok. Maslow is assembled and calibrated (w00t). Next step is to cut the sled.
Makercam is down. The alternative site needs Flash (who even does that anymore?), and Easel wants me to create an account.
So, how do I convert the sled drawing to a gcode file? I’m using an 8mm router bit, so a pre-made file for a 1/4" bit isn’t going to work.
I tried Freecad, which looks promising, but imports the DXF without reading the units, so my sled is 9mm in radius…
It also messed up the position of two of the brick mounting holes, which ended up way over on the left.
Someone has written a Maslow post-processor for Freecad, which makes it even more appealing, but only if I can read the DXF properly. The SVG files don’t work either.
QCAD is nice, and has a CAM module. Hmm.
Anything else (that isn’t from Autodesk)?
At the absolute minimum, can we have a dimensioned drawing (mm/in.) of the sled in a PDF file please? Naturally I could print it myself, but my drawing would show that indeed the sled should have a radius of 9mm. With a dimensioned drawing I could do my own CAD and then generate the CAM file, and verify my final output against the original dimensions.
Thanks in advance!