Does M4 calculate if there is a change in material thickness?

If it doesn’t calculate, will a current error be thrown?

I don’t quite understand the question, what do you mean?

If I change from 1/2 inch plywood to 1 inch plywood do I need to recalibrate?

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No, I just don’t do anything :grinning:

We could have an option to enter the thickness in the config menu, but right now we’re just not correcting for it. It ends up having a very small impact

Perfect, thanks @bar !

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in theory you could change the Z offsets, but as Bar says, it’s a fairly small
error, the ~12mm difference may throw things off by a fraction of a mm, but
until we get better calibration, that’s lost in the noise.

David Lang

clintloggins wrote:


Well @dlang I have my calibration set and my cuts are within .3mm from what I came up with in Onshape. I just need to figure out tabs in kirimoto. It moves around with wasted movement for the final tab paths and also drills slightly offset into the workpiece.


for the problem of wasted movement, look at Lee’s gcode optimizer

David Lang


found the issue in kiri:moto discourse

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I thought I heard someone say my name?

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