Doesn't move after power loss

I have a vertical setup with a 10’ x 8’ wood frame. Calibration went well and I was able to do simple testing manually moving the Maslow, all good there. After unplugging the Maslow for the day, when I went back to do some cuts the next day the Maslow wouldn’t move. On the screen it would show it moving, and the motors were making noises, but nothing moved. (although z axis did move). I unhooked the Maslow from the frame, retracted/extended, put it back on the frame and it started working.

So, my main question, is this the expected behavior? Shouldn’t I be able to turn the power off and then resume without needing to take the machine down and resetting the cables?

That is the expected behavior…for now.

This is one of the most requested features and we’re planning to add automatic recovery from power loss. At the moment any time that you lose power you will have to retract the belts and extend them again to re-home them.

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Thanks for the quick reply. This would make a big difference in usability.

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