Easel only make spline g code

First post of the forum. I’ve used fb a bit. I have a paid version of fusion and have free easel. I’ve been cutting patterns all day thru easel. I started to notice that I wasn’t getting a continuous arc. I looked at the gcode and saw the problem. It’s all g1, no g2 or g3. No I,j, or r. It really slows the process. When I post thru fusion I get beautiful arcs and continuous motion. After doing some research, it seems easel does not post arcs. I find that odd as they sell the xcarve which is a quick 3d machine. I can’t see how one could 3d cut with a bunch of splines. What is the work around?

Easel makes things easy. I can find an image on google, and trace with easel. Fusion makes that a task for sure. Is there an easier way?


You could try turning on buffering gcode in the settings which will help with processing small lines of code more quickly. It’s off by default because a few people had issues with it, but for the most part I think it will make things go faster.

Try @md8n’s gcodeclean post processor, which has an option to convert line segments to arcs

thanks for the advise. Im a cnc machinist by trade, but when it comes to anything coding, or coding like im completely lost. I cant tell if that is a complicated process or an easy one. It seems a bit above my head.

That seems like the easiest fix to start with. Im also exploring importing svg files into fusion so i can clean them there.

Heh - it’s not an option, it will do it every time if it can.

But yes, GCodeClean is for these scenarios. I’m still going through the process of upgrading it, so if there’s any issues please look up the GCodeClean thread in the forum and post them there.

I figured as much with the arcs. Thats what the inventables guys were saying when i looked into it. Thanks for the responses.