I cant get any of my drawings to sit correctly in groundcontrol. I’m using Vectorworks for my original drawings and exporting to DXF. I’ve used a few methods after that. Using Illustrator to open the dxf and export to svg will eventually cause my drawing to scale down to maybe 70% size, keeping the origin in the right place. Using LibreCAD to go from dxf to svg eventually causes the drawing to be offset a few inches positive on the Y axis, with the origin moving down the same. I’ve used Easel and MakerCAM to export gcode and the drawings look exactly as intended. The issue only appears when I open the gcode in groundcontrol. I’m using groundcontrol v1.1. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: Just tried opening in groundcontrol 1.21 and got the same result
I wish that CAM was built into Vectorworks. Doing all my design work in other software isn’t an option. I can’t find another way to get from Vectorworks to Maslow other than VW->DXF->SVG->GC. I think the bigger problem is why does everything I use see the drawings fine, but groundcontrol sees them differently?
I’m using 72 dpi. Should i make that higher?
According to the linked MakerCam article you should use 96DPI on import. I’ve used MakerCam in the past but didn’t have a problem. I think you are running before crawling or walking. I’d make a 10 inch circle and 8 inch square - get a workflow to reproduce that first. I have written several times on why SVG can go wrong as a format. You could try making some test parts in CamBam.