Maslow by EastBaySource is an affordable large format (4x8 ft) DIY cnc machine.
This is the latest and well proven version of the Maslow cnc kit - The setup that is currently being used by thousands of makers worldwide to make the amazing projects you see online.
We are authorized Maslow cnc kit MANUFACTURERS. Maslow cnc is an open source project created by Bar Smith, funded and supported by the Maslow community.
I’m sorry this took me so long to get sorted out. I Just started a new job so I’ve been a bit swamped.
Normally updating the site should only take a few minutes, but something was going wrong. I wish I could say I fixed it, but as soon as I sat down to investigate what was happening it all worked perfectly .
Let me know any time you want it updated. Hopefully I’ll be quicker about it in the future.