Related to all the feature enhancemet ideas showing up in numerous threads on other topics…
@bar, have you considered adding a dedicated section or thread to capture individual ideas and allow people to upvote them? At the moment there are lots of ideas being floated but no central place to capture or see them.
A previous employer heavily used to help listen to our Customers, very useful for various reasons. Didn’t realize how expensive it was/is though, there’s many good enough cheaper alternatives.
“Github Discussions” lets you upvote “Discussions”, maybe Github’s good enough for now to also gather non-code feature requests/ideas/feedback?
Either way, where should link(s) be surfaced/exposed to help gather Customer feedback? Within a pinned “Malsow 4 getting started topic” in this forum, and/or via page/link within, or via the FluidNC based UI, or somewhere else(s) that’s part of a Maslow CNC User’s CAM flow?
I was thinking of the subject of issue tracking (not just programming related) and wanted to make a post to suggest as a possible tracking spreadsheet. My company started using it and I like it more than excel for the social use aspect. Also allows you to have attachments and conversations per line item. Also Forms for non-community input is a perk.
I looked into issue trackers for other things in my company and they are all too complicated or expensive. with SS, you only need one paid account to run some sheets.