Everything was running at one time, but felt the need to recalibrate- then left motor went erratic so decided to reload everything, and reset cables. Having issues getting firmware back on- deleted everything and trying to follow instructions to start over… Once software is loaded, correct board and serial port #5 are preselected (as before when it worked)
Step 2: Download The Arduino IDE
Download and install the last Arduino IDE from https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software. Older versions of Arduino IDE have problems with libraries when compiling the firmware, so make sure you have the latest version.
(using windows app- also tried stand alone option for windows- same error)
Every time I’ve seen this issue here (it’s been a bunch) it’s because someone navigated into the compressed directory in Windows. Just make sure you navigated into the uncompressed directory.
I am.having the same issue. I have uploaded the firmware several times. I may at one point attempted to.upload the file unzipped last night but attempted several times after that to upload unzipped and it still gave me the same error. I even deleted all the software like 3 times after that and uploaded all new, still same error. I thought maybe I accidently deleted an .exe file that I couldn’t track down so I went this morning and bought a new laptop. They are both running windows 11 with a due card. I tried with the app version and the full download. Stumped?? Anybody have any ideas?
for the due, you must use makerverse and the associated due software for it. The Mega firmware will not work with it, nor will webcontrol or ground control.
Ok, so instruction that are relevant to the equipment you are selling would be excellent. I uploaded the firmware from the maslow site and I am somewhat certain that it is for the due board. I was not aware until this morning that I would need makerverse software. I am on another ticket with Xavier. He instructed me to download windows 11 version of Arduino and makerverse. I believe I have done that and I am just waiting for instructions.
@orob is right this is a community forum run by Maslow CNC which has no relationship with Maker Made who is probably who you bought your machine from. We’re happy to help as best we can, but we’re not who sold you that kit.
We’re actually currently involved in a legal dispute with Maker Made about their deceptive marketing and using our brand name without permission. Hopefully it will all be cleaned up soon and they won’t be using our name anymore. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Bought from Amazon. I put in a ticket to makermade. Are they not the people that do the tech support when you put in a ticket? Should I be contacting the retailer I purchased it through?
I appreciate you responding. I have searched as much as I could for a fix and nobody has mentioned in any posts that you need to use makerverse for the due board. I am in the process of trying to get into the makerverse software and Xavier said to bypass the login and I can’t see how to do that. Any thoughts?