I purchased my Maslow Kit last year (June shipment?) and just got around to finishing it a couple of weeks ago, partially because I decided to build a metal frame from some tubes I bought as scrap from work.
I did a test cut of an elk head to put some antlers on that ended up too small, but that was kind of the purpose of the test.
The next order of business was to make a nice storage rack that stored plywood at the same angle as the maslow (picture of cut parts shown).
And what I’m considering my first actual project, is for my son. He is 7 years old and just started rock-climbing club and had asked me to buy him a “hangboard” so I designed and cut this one for him on a Saturday morning.
It’s made of two layers of 3/4" B/C pine ply. Overall thickness is 1.5", the top pocketed holds are 1" deep, and the lower bit is 3/4" thick, so he has variable hold thicknesses to practice with as he builds his finger strength. Pretty proud of how it came out. Now to design a wall-mount for it that will allow for future adjustment as he grows…