First test cut - Not sure how to fix X axis

I have gone through again and done my best to recheck all my dimensions and calibrations. I ran a 20" square test right in the middle of the workspace. The Y axis was at 20.063 on both sides (so I scaled the Y axis to .997) but the X axis was 19.875" on the top and 20.125" on the bottom. So there is a 1/4" difference from top to bottom widths. How do I adjust for this?
In case this information is needed to help:

  • I am using the new M2 from Maker Made.
  • I created the pattern in Easel and imported it into Makerverse 1.0.6.
  • I am using a 12’ top beam with 15’ chains
  • Top beam (bottom edge) is 27" from top edge of workspace (same as someone at Maker Made)
  • I am using a 1/8" straight bit
  • The bit is set to cut on the outside of the line
  • The set screws on the sprockets that are attached to the motors are tight
  • The workspace is very flat
  • The workspace plane is the same as the top beam
  • The chains are parallel with the workspace and sled slides flat and smooth
  • The motor offset is exactly the same on both sides

Any help is appreciated,