To all that have been following and coming up with suggestions for those of us not in on the kit buy but wanted to build the Maslow. As I stated quite awhile ago, I broke down and purchased some motors that were actually very funny on arrival. These things (which I will link) showed up via epacket in like 9 total days, but on opening I started laughing because I knew they were going to be small but these were tiny. Oh well, my idea was to build the machine with the changes I had in mind and "what the hell, try the motors) until I could source others or all together put together different driver / motor solution. So, much time has gone by and I admit with having to build in between life events with only 30 mins a pop available, many unplanned design choices taken. Some times things just work out. Yesterday I was able to make some first cuts and sans a better calibration, it works!
The motors are tiny but cheap 12v 324:1 19rpm 11 ppr, torque is 16 kg/cm …so they have decent torque (not the 30 required by project) but I planned on a few changes, most important was my sled weight. I had to use my Triton router-2.25 hp and not small. Figured it would be too heavy but no, works great and will be using an extra of the same motor I have due to one had broken encoder…got new hall sensor and running fine. It will fit right on the included router lift designed into the Triton. I will publish pics of all this including the z axis as soon as i hook up z axis.
I also made the machine smaller to aim for bit over 4x4, due to space and desire to just build already. The main positive to my frame (this was " plan while build " so looks ugly) is that knowing that top bar is the most important to accuracy (frame wise) I used a steel bed frame half and attached wood. Then used very strong Baltic Birtch ply. Got very lucky on positioning and current frame can have me hang off the end and jump up and down with barely any flex whatso every. It is super ridgid.
Sorry no pics yet, but I promise I will post them as soon as I set it back up…it is modular so it can be moved into back room.
Anyway, just wanted you all to know that this little, cheap motor worked to make a workable (take with grain of salt…super slow, plus size of sled smaller than most I think…but not by much as router alone is 5kg. Hope my link worked.
Have not had time to even keep up until this week so excited to see the user base growing!
P.S. obviously this motor choice will limit the functionality of the machine, but my main goal was to build a working version that may be smaller but still usable and representative of full size, allowing me to try different ideas along with the community as well as have a work space of at least 4x4.