Fortnite box with dogbone joins

Firstly thank you Bar and Hanna for getting me back in the game, much appreciated!

I finally got some time free from work commitments so I cut this box as a test project for accuracy and my son loves fortnite :grin:

I used the app " box maker" in easel for simplicity. Accuracy was very acceptable for this project.

Issues I had stemmed from my material choice, MDF. The sides of the box have a groove for the lid to slide in however the top of the groove is quiet thin and mdf does not cope well with this. Suitable material would be ply or pine I think.

Anyway great to be back cutting and learning :wink:


As long as he likes it is worth tge effortโ€ฆ

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Thank you, he loves it :blush:

Finished result for the fortnite box and another box made with 12mm ply. Ply is definitely the right material for this kind of project in my opinion.

The accuracy was better and the end result far cleaner.

I intend on leaving the ply box natural except for the name engraving will be painted.

The maslow is going to be busy leading up to xmas :grin::grin: