I built the default frame in the assembly guide and I’m at the stage to calibrate the machine now but I am running into errors.
The default frame is 8’4" x 10’ which is roughly 2500mm x 3000mm.
If I use those dimensions and save and extend all, the cables reach the anchor points. But when I begin calibration, the cables tighten, the system stops, and I get this error:
MEG:ERR: Center point deviation over 100mm, your coordinate system is not accurate, adjust your frame dimensions and restart.
The assembly guide uses 2000mm by 3000mm so I threw those numbers in and when I ‘extend all’ one of the cables was too short to reach.
I’m a little confused as to where my error could be. 2000mm seems off by a few feet for the height, but in the assembly guide that doesn’t appear to be an issue. The motor shuts off when I finish extending all the cables, so I’m 99% certain that it’s not a case of not fully extending. (I just double checked that I installed the arms in the correct order as well)