Fusion360 and G28 G-Code

Hello friends

Not sure if others have experienced this and I don’t haven’t tried too many other products but this might be an issue with how Maslow handles G Code so I’ll ask about it:

Fusion 360 adds a line in the G Code each time I post process a bit like this:

G28 G91 Z0

This a kill the panel instruction basically as it plunges the bit right into the sheet and then, with router all the way down, returns to home. If the machine is already at home it will drop the bit and leave it down while it moves to the start of the cut.

Any chance a firmware update could change the way the system handles this instruction please? Like ignoring it?

Then I don’t have to remember to delete it from every file manually



I’ll also add that for reasons unknown one of my G Code files had the G18 instruction which crashed the machine - could this also be investigated? Seems like it is not an instruction that provides any use to the Maslow machine



Yes! You aren’t the first person to encounter that, these guys seem to have found a solution:

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Could the fluid/maslow firmware be changed to ignore that command? I don’t like to suggest that but it’s the fusion360 default to include it. it’s easy enough to uncheck once you know about it but I managed to trash a brand new bit before posting my own thread and then finding the one you linked.

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Once you change the setting for this in fusion360 you can save it as the default, pretty sure there are pics in that thread Bar linked. If not I can post my post process settings screen shots that are working for me.

There are many gcode commands that exist for different machines that will break
things if you include them in the wrong machine. This is why it’s so important
that you tell your CAM software what type of machine you are creating gcode for.

If you are telling it that you have a grbl machine and it includes such a gcode,
then it’s something we can try to get fusionNC (upstream) to implement.

but if not, then the fix is to tell it the correct type of machine.

David Lang

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I’m wondering if I understand this issue. I will be using F360 too once I get frame built.

If I’m not mistake G28 z0 should send spindle to machine home. In many machines it is usually farthest away from part, usually defined by limit switches.

But in our case we don’t have an upper z limit as we can run off the lead screws. So we should be manually setting machine z home to tool height plus some clearance above work surface. Or we put in change request for define z home process to be like z bottomed out plus safe length of lead screw?

Z=0 is with the bit just in contact with the workpiece.

G28 is telling the system to move one or more axis until it hits limit switches.
The maslow does not have limit switches (there is provision for a touch-off
plate, but that’s not setup yet)

so telling the maslow to move until it hits a limit switch will drive the bit in
the ‘home’ direction until you tell it to stop.

So it’s not that the firmware doesn’t support g28, it’s that g28 is telling it
to do something that the maslow doesn’t do at this point.

David Lang

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This comes up a lot in other venues, just disable F360’s addition of G28 and it will be a non-issue.

Our group member @md8n has written a Gcode cleaner/enhancer, GCodeClean, that will reverse some of the annoyances that Autodesk adds to the free version of Fusion 360 that’s worth checking out for both F360 and other CAM software users. The latest version includes a traveling salesman optimization of travel moves that can save run time and eliminate some of those head scratching moves that many CAM programs seem to like

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Great info and link Moose. I’ve done a bit of F360 post processor modifications in past so glad to see it’s already implemented and just an option definition.

Maybe if the Maslow post proc gets forked for maslow4 they can set option to disabled by default.

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