I saw it mentioned that the anchors can be glued to concrete. Two quick questions about that:
What glue has been used succesfully for PLA to concrete? Is it something like Liquid Nails heavy duty construction adhesive?
Have any issues occurred with the adhesive separating from either the anchor or the concrete?
Asking because neither material is actually ideal for gluing. And, if there’s been any issues, I can just use the holes around the perimeter of the anchors + the smallest size of tapcons (self tapping concrete screws)
I used caulk so that it would be removable, but I did have one fail (although it probably wasn’t fully set).
If you are comfortable drilling into the concrete then threaded inserts are the way to go. They are stronger and lower profile than anything glued down.
@bar thanks! You can actually use tapcons + either of the 3d printed anchors as an alternative to the threaded inserts.
The benefits are: it makes much smaller (tiny) holes to repair, and you can use the quick release feature of the anchors+pins. The threaded inserts, I believe you have to unscrew/screw the anchor bolt from the insert each time you want to stow or deploy the maslow.
The tapcons are self tapping, you just drill a pilothole, and drive them in!