Help! Alarm Notification: The sled is not keeping up with it's expected position

It’s a bit hidden.
Click in GC on → Settings → Maslow Setting → Advanced Settings and scroll to the bottom.
Hope it helps.

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Thanks @Gero! I didn’t think it was a button (I thought it was a title). So I’ll restart and see…
Do you know if “2.0” are millimeters? I changed for 5.
There is always someone awake on this planet to answer a question about Maslow :wink: Great!

No idea, I think in the workshop I’ve set it to 20 :rofl:

Experienced this same problem the other day when trying to run the calibration cuts for the first time on a new computer (old one died). The sled started moving to the top left corner to cut that first cut, and about halfway up the error came up. I didn’t have time to mess with it so I just cancelled calibration. It’s firmware and GC 1.15

@Didier I’ve been thinking that same thing for a while! Took me forever to discover that was a clickable button.

Unfortunately, the limit value wasn’t in question. So I deleted my work file and I loaded the “official” sled one, in case of bad values (incorrect speed in my GCode). But GroundControl does not start the engines, via Arduino. I also just downloaded the latests versions of firmware and GC (1.21), which has kept my calibration settings (thanks!). So the Arduino / Mac USB connection is good. The L / R / Z engine test fails, as well as pushing the arrows and Home button failed. I verified ports (connected), turned everything off, turned on, disconnected, reconnected. I do not see where the problem is. :disappointed_relieved:

What happens if you press the “stop” button? It could be in the safe state which requires pressing stop to resume

It returns to its loaded position: 0.00 and 299.86 (I moved 3 times to 100mm)

Pushing the stop button a few times causes a slight change in value, without the motor running. 299.83, 299.85, …86 …88

I found the problem (shame on me). Incorrect connection of the card (power supply connected to the socket below)


Hi All,

I am new and i am also having this problem. I am using Gc version 1.21 and firm ware 1.22. this i was my second try to cut my sled. I got a Alarm and it just keeps coming back. the router is in the wrong spot. I attached some photos.maslow%208 maslow%209

When I push the green arrow it does not move and then the alarm comes on.Any ideas?


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Could there be an issue with power to the motors? What do you see when you press Actions -> test motors/encoders?

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Hi Bar,

I checked all the wires and they are plug in tight, I did a motor/encoders and the sled moved. The second time I tired it GC shut down. I updated firmware to 1.22 and ground control is 1.21. I get a massage that ground control is out of date and my not work with firmware.

Maybe I should reload GC?
