Help with ideas for placement of Maslow CNC

Thought I would reach out to the group since I know people will have great ideas… I am working on building a Maslow CNC for my home to work on some small projects and specifically bought to work on my Virtual Pinball cabinet project.

I have a 2 car garage with a loft I built and want to build the Maslow bed where I can either fold it up somewhere or hang up out of the way when not in use. I do have a winch setup to help get heavy things into my loft so could use that with a pulley and lift it just about anywhere in the garage. Would prefer to NOT have it hanging above my Tesla…lol I have found some great fold up ideas but can’t think where I could actually anchor it. I could move things around if somebody has a good idea. The pics included the vehicles so you can see the space I have available when it would be stowed.

Ceiling height is 11’6", 7’ to bottom of loft and garage is ~ 17’ x 19’ except for the landing wall.

Thanks in advance for reading this and providing ideas!!!

Is there enough room for a collapsible one where the ladder is hanging?

very possible

Ham radio license plate!