How to use maslow with SolidWorks

I struggled a bit myself in figuring out how to use Solidworks with the Maslow.
I use Solidworks exclusively for modeling and follow these steps.

  1. Complete all solids (individual parts and or full assemblies).
  2. Create a “drawing” using the solid(s). (I made simple blank drawing page 4’ x 8’ frame to position parts).
    {be sure you have the drawing settings and the view port(s) set to 1:1 scale.}
  3. “Save” as SW drawing (future moving or manipulation if needed).
  4. “Save as” dxf format directly in Solidworks.
  5. Import dxf into cam software of choice.

There are plenty of Cam programs (Free/low cost) out there to choose from (My thoughts below):
a). Makercam is a good basic program and OK for simple designs. I had issue importing Oval shapes.
b). Easel (online) is also OK for a beginner, but lacks depth of control I needed.
c). Fusion 360 is OK and can be used (I had difficulty using, as it works very differently than Solidworks).
d). Estlcam is a free/buy Cam program (I use this and have been very happy). <$70/license.
{The free version has a limit to it’s use, but I never came to that limit}.
e). Solidworks 2018 does have a cam module that you can learn (fairly new addition to the suite). I have not use it, but may play in the future.

If you are completely new to Cam, I recommend you start “playing” with the Easel program to see what the “basic” setting and work flow is like. Then move to a more robust program.
I personally love Estlcam, I have not had any issues with it. There are some fairly good tutorials for Estlcam and the setting (I use) for it I have already posted here:

If you would like a copy of the Solidworks drawing template I use contact me off forum and I will sent it to you.