What version of GC are you using? Sounds like initially you had 0.96 for firmware and something later (perhaps 1.00) for GC. They need to be the same. 1.02 is the latest release version. Try that for both and see if you get the same issue.
There are multiple releases on the page, the latest one is a the top. Once you download it you have to go back to the Arduino IDE and send it to the Mega.
When clicking on Source .zip . I get a Download of Firmware-1.02.zip
The number you are sending looks like the checksum hash.
Can you send the exact steps you are taking to get to this?
If you want to try it out I have an automated file to do the download for you on Windows 10. If you want to try my automation send me a PM and I’ll send you a page with instructions and 2 files.
Nothing left for me to say then: Welcome Maslowian! There are NO stupid questions. All Input is welcome and helps to make the documentation better. You can feel free to ask anything at any time. One of the wonderful miracles in this community.
Firstly, I have the entire Maslow project on my Drive D: in its own dedicated directory.
The GC batch file (shortcut) is on my desktop.
So, after updating the firmware, I see signs of progress.
When GC starts up, it tells me it’s conencted and happily displays
GC 1.02
Firmware 1.02
And after trying to calibrate and/or test, I get…
Testing L Motor:
Direction 1 - Fail
Direction 2 - Fail
Testing R Motor:
Direction 1 - Fail
Direction 2 - Fail
Testing Z Motor:
Direction 1 - Fail
Direction 2 - Fail
Yes, all the motors are connected. The connectors only fit one way.
I’ve got the USB plugged in to the Mega and the 12V power plugged into the driver board.