Is it possible to upgrade the original Maslow to 4.1?

My makerspace has the original Maslow from your first campaign. Is it possible to upgrade it to the latest version, or is it better to start over?

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Kralik wrote:

My makerspace has the original Maslow from your first campaign. Is it possible
to upgrade it to the latest version, or is it better to start over?

It is not possible to upgrade the original, but contact Bar directly, they
donate some number of Maslow kits to makerspaces.

David Lang

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We have a standing polocy that any maker space that wants one we will donate one to. The best thing to have them do is to back the current kickstarter for $1 and so they get the kickstarter updates and then shoot us a message when we start shipping.

We’re talking about the 2016 campaign, not the one last year right?

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That’s a truly fantastic and generous policy! Many many kudos!

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