Just got finished building

Yesterday I finished my setup of my Maslow CNC. Calibration went well. Only had to do it 3-4 times. Reading the instructions helps a lot. The calibration is very close, Well, close enough to cut the sled. It was up to 60 degrees outside when I started and figured I didn’t need to get fuel for my heater yet. The temperature had been in the 20s so, I felt warm.

I calibrated Z and decided to run Maslow through it paces without the tool to see how it went. Seemed good! I was ready to add power to the bit and cut the sled. The Ridgid router is quiet. Nice!

I stated cutting the sled and the temperature started dropping. I got cold and quit for the night.

Problems I fund so far. The 2x4s that hold the plywood from dropping to the floor are too long and the temporary sled runs in to them. I cut them back and added a spacer for now.

The movement of the router is a lot slower that I would think. This might be my settings. I will be able to work on that after I get my sled cut and re-calibrate the whole thing.

My first impression is good. As most DYI projects you need to work with it to have it do what you want.

Order of the Maslow CNC to the first cut is not so bad. but read the documentations and watch many YouTube videos.

Next step is to learn some CAD software. Making the sled was all done for me. I want to go from my mind to the router bit.

Thanks for listing to me,



Welcome to the party, Marty!

Glad you got up and running.

I believe that the default speed setting in GC limits movement to 75 or 80% of the maximum speed. At least it used to be that way (I am still using version 1.06!). I am sure someone will weigh in with more definitive information.

I had that problem too, so I made them removable and attach my stock directly to the wasteboard, using the temporary supports to hold it in place until is it secured.

This is always an interesting decision to make. I had a background with Autodesk products, so I went with Inventor for my CAD/CAM. I find it works pretty well, and a hobbyist license is free. A lot of people here use Fusion. I haven’t had much experience with it, but I believe it is a pretty powerful program, and also does both CAD and CAM in the same environment. For v-carving I have started using F-engrave, and have been really happy with it. I downloaded V-Carve (which is a paid program with a free unlimited trial), but found the interface confusing and unintuitive.

Any way you go, I am sure there will be someone here that can help.

Happy chip making!

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Hi Keith,
I fixed the stand with a Skill saw and a temporary shim. I lived on a farm for a while and I learned fast ways. I am sure the speed of the movements will come around.
As for the CAD software I was thinking AutoCAD. I used AutoCAD version 1. Yes version 1! Since then I haven’t used any CAD. I will have to try it again. I retired 12 years ago, it may be time to learn something new!
Thanks for the feed back,

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I started with AutoCAD back when it was all text input too. I am still using ACAD 2014 for some initial design work, and for traditional drawings for things like my workshop and treehouse designs. I have also been using ACAD to import sketches into Inventor which can then be extruded to make a 3d model for CAM.

Given you already have a CAD background, I think you are going to be fine

Congratulations Metras3. This is great progress.
Can’t wait for your first “real” project to show up here.
Anything that you can convert into an svg file would work for your planning. I am designing in SolidWorks, but that is way to expensive for private use in my eyes and it requires to go through “inkscape” to convert to svg if you don’t have a specific plugin.
Maybe you can dig out the good old AutoCAD and get it to work again?

Funny you said to dig out my old version of AutoCAD. The version I had was AutoCAD 1.0. I had it on I ran it on my Tandy TRS-80 Model I. Yes, It was years ago… Wait, it may have been on the Tandy 2000. Both are long since in the landfill. Many other computers are is the recycle bins.
I have down loaded AutoCAD Inventor to check out.
First I have to go over my Maslow and make sure all is lined up and calibrated. I have found a few things that could cause problems down the road.

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You could also try Fusion360 which to my knowledge is free for Hobbyists, then there is the Linux platform of course with a bunch of free CAD programs, though I don’t know how good they are.
Good luck with the first cuts. Very exciting.