The only documentation that came with it was the frame assembly and seeing as it’s an upgrade kit, I’ve already got a working Maslow with an assembled frame. CNCjs is on the USB drive but I can’t find anywhere in the program to calibrate anything and I’m having trouble finding anywhere to download makerverse. Or are they the same thing? I’m not sure which port is which for the XY and Z motors on the new computer. If I could get it to move I’m sure I could figure it out with trial and error but I figured I’d ask while I’m already asking dumb questions. I feel like there should at least be a video or something. I looked on YouTube, I searched M2 upgrade on here. I’ve skimmed though both groups on Facebook. It’s not like I’m not looking but I feel like I’m missing something obvious. Thanks.
A video is here calibrate your M2 using Makerverse 1.0.6
Makerverse ->
Kind regards, Gero
Thank you so much! Ive downloaded the zip file but i cant seem to figure out how to start the program from there. I cant seem to open the read me file either. Im not sure why I’m having such a hard time with this. I appreciate the help.
you need to unzip the file before you can run it typically.
this is what i get when i unzip the file for 1.0.6, i dont see anywhere i can run a file from.
I just tried downloading the newest version and i can connect to my M2 but I dont see the calibration anywhere like it is in the video posted above.
I found 1.0.6 and got it to open and start the calibration, but where is it on 1.0.10?
scroll down on the left side or close each of the widges with the ^. when closed, the carrot will turn so it points down and the widget will fold up. Look for and click on the bullseye
or on the maslow bar here:
if maslow doesn’t show up, click into the text window and type $I and if it is there it should pick it up. Otherwise it may have the wrong communication speed set and you will need to make sure it is 38400 for the Due or 57600 for the mega or you have the wrong serial port.
While I like that the software is open source I do feel that Maslow’s Achilles heel is the lack of basic start up mode so that beginners have a functioning product out of the box. You shouldn’t have to do hours and hours of research just to get your new product functioning. It would be nice if they would offer a turn key product that was able to be upgraded once people became familiar with it.
The trick is that I designed the original machine and made it open source, but there are a bunch of different people selling kits now and they are all different. I don’t have any control over what is in the box
I totally agree that it needs to be more user friendly and clear.
I’ve thought about including a laser cut tube frame so everything lines up and makes every kit the same to calibrate, but I am afraid to invest several thousand dollars given how poor sales have been.
I did a test run over a year ago by manually drilling 1.5x1.5 steel tube top bars, sold 100 of them and wanted users to share their calibration data and ZERO people shared anything. Seems like people just want the info done for them and they aren’t willing to help out.