Lowes has a new Kobalt 1-1/4 hp trim router for CNC and some are being given away at v1e.com

ok, finding some higher-res images online, it looks like the guides and rack are
recessed into the cylinder of the body rather than sticking out from it.

As to the speed, 10k vs 16k of most others is a significant advantage with a
slow moving CNC, and with the ridgid router, you could remove the cover and
adjust the min and max speed on the controller, it will be interesting to see if
something similar can be done.

David Lang

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you are talking about this part:
yes. that is inset so it does not interfere.

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Thank you. Just changed my calipers to mm and dewalt dwp611 is 69mm. Detention of top top button to lock shaft is 94.3 mm or 3.7". Needs to use button to change bits as shaft does not allow use of 2nd wrench. Read somewhere where button was close to being covered in maslow4.


The second wrench must be 3 mm thick to work, but you can double wrench a collet off the kobalt.

Another plus for the kobalt. Have not been able to find a model number. Is there one. The more i find the more i like with this router. Spindle lock is near leds on bottom section of router. Meaning positioning of router height is more adjustable. Do not have to worry about covering up spindle lock to change bits.

From the lowes.com website:

Kobalt 1/4-in 7-Amp 1.25-HP Variable Speed Trim Corded Router

Item #5207238 | Model #K7TR-03

Ok my kobalt router just arrived. Quick measurements. 3 mm differencr in diameter. Do not know how .uch adjjustment maslow 4 has but worst case just wrap with 1/16" material. I have 1/16" plastic like used for showers that comes in 4x8 ft sheets. I can easily cut and use that for shim. But tape or rven sheets of paper could work as well. Kobalt router has much more space to clamp to. 89mm on dewalt to 110 mm on kobalt. From bottom of chuck to top of base clamping area not counting slightly rough zrea dewalt 133mm to 149mm on kobalt. As far as soft start the kobalt wins hands down. Dewalt will jerk my hands but kobalt hardly notice it was started. Oberall length is about the same. Top housing is lower than dewalt. Just thought of possible other option for sleeving. Cut soft drink bottles to use for shim.

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How does the length compare to the DeWalt router? Specifically the length of the part that we can work with (ie the round part, not the bump at the top with the electronics)

this much? I just tape measured the kobalt and it is 4" of useful cylinder length.

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The Maslow uses about 4.5" of length, so it should be doable but cutting it close.

110 mm is max length. Under the brush area there is a section that neasures just under 67mm diameter. This area while slightly thicker is less than the dewalt. So maslow can clamp that high. The machined area is just under 100 mm or 3.89 inches. Bur maslow can be made to clamp higher up. Hope this helps with my measurements


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To get 4.5 inches on dewalt the spindle lock is covered. Also ha ging just below the base. The kobalt has an area just below the brushes with non .achined but less diameter than dewalt. 67mm vs 69mm. Counting that area. The distance to the spindle lock is 4.6 inchrs. But that is overhanging the bottom a little as well. Also the kobalt cam use 2 wrenches for the chuck. But trquites a 12nn or 1/2" thin no more than 3m.thick wrench. Not included. The kobalt has a bearing that is lower than on the dewalt. But the casr for the bearing extends maybe 1/8" below the botom of the machined diameter area. The soft start is much better than the dewaly. Not sure how much cla.p on .aslow cen clamp down on without needing shimimg.


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I think that one of the first steps once we get the DeWalt version shipped out will be to work on expanding support for more routers. It shouldn’t be too hard, but I think that each router will have its own quirks


Has anyone in Canada found the corded version of this? I have searched and only found the 24v version available, unless I want to drive across the border. Might be worth it for the price and low-end rpm difference

This new Kobalt router is a limited US only release, which is why you are probably only finding a 24V one that is similar. Most of the Lowes here in the U.S also have it on sale right now for $89.98 USD, so that trip may be worth it to you.

I’ve acquired one in Florida and put it on a non-Maslow cnc router, works fine and my collection of ER-11A pre-nutted collets work without any issues. It seems quieter than the Makita, although you still need earplugs. At some point I’ll figure out where the SPL meter was put before the last northward migration.

It’s 65.8mm, my CNC’s spindle holder fit but required some persuasion to fit over the router body. As predictable it throws chips everywhere so a 65mm dust boot is ordered and hopefully fits over it, if not it’ll go on the second Makita at the Mooselake Manor and former Sheep Farm next spring


The router works great, but the extra mm diameter means that accessories are problematic. For example I bought a Sweepy 2.0 (I have one on another router with a real Makita already), and it took some time carving away on the flange where the two halves join together to make the bottom (with the brush) fit onto the top (with the clamp and hose connection). That won’t apply to a Maslow, but it sure was a pain on my smaller CNC router. I did some SPL readings, 70dB at dial position 1, 80 at 2.5, 90 maxxed out. Cuts great at speeds higher than a V4 can get but it’ll need a 66mm adapter instead of the 65. It was a poor design decision, I wonder if using the MPCNC folks as testers (hey, just print a new part) may not have been a great choice


Heads up
 Currently $60 (that’s “40% off” $100, but it’s been mostly listed for ~$90, except for thanksgiving ~$80) for Kobalt 1-1/4HP Trim Router, ER11 compatible, 5yr warranty, with LEDs

Product feedback by misc folks available on Kobalt router - Hardware Development - V1 Engineering Forum

Hope that helps, cheers!

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I recently went looking for the Kobalt router (I live Hawaiʻi), and while I can find it on the Lowes website (priced at $59.97!), it is marked as “Unavailable” both in-store and on-line. I don’t know if that’s a Hawaiʻi thing (we are often treated like a foreign country even though USPS delivers here at the same cost as continental U.S.) or if it’s vanished altogether.

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I just looked as well, and it is showing as being able to only be purchased “In Store Only” but all of the Lowes in my are are showing it as unavailable as well, which is odd as I was in there the other day and there were still some on the shelves. The item also stated that you cannot purchase it online, so maybe that is why it is unavailable. I have heard that they will be discontinuing it as it was not a great seller, though I think it should have been
but I am just a mere mortal!!