If you use your M4 with VCarve, please respond here!
I splurged and got VCarve to use with my M4 (the features are so nice!). They don’t have a Maslow configuration in their post-processors list. I messaged their support to add the M4 configuration to their list. They are keen on the idea but require at least 2 others using the M4 and VCarve before they would be willing to add a config for the M4. There is some other info they need, but I’m working on getting that. I figure there has to be at least 2 others here using VCarve.
i use VCarve and its a great software. Do you have any updates on this. I’ve been trying to make it work but once the Gcode starts it moves right and goes super slow. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. are there any tips on how to make it run properly?
I didn’t get any responses, and VCarve’s support closed the ticket. That being said, I just use the “GRBL” post-processor from the post-processor list, and I’ve had no issues.
What may be happening is that the machine is first going to a position set in VCarve. Check what is set for the “XY Datum”. The XY Datum is a position that the machine will go to before and after cutting. It’s kinda like a software-based machine home position. I like to set my XY Datum for the middle of the material. To change the setting, you can click one of the 5 bubbles (top-left, top-right, middle, bottom-left, and bottom-right). These 5 positions are relative to the material as defined in the software, so if you start a project and tell VCarve that your material is 24"X and 24"Y then the top-left position is -12"X and 12"Y based on those dimensions. Alternatively, you can click “Use Offset” and input a custom position into the X and Y prompt below the checkbox.
You can check/change the XY Datum in the Material settings. You can find it in the Design tab by clicking the first button in the top-left corner. You can also find it in the Toolpath tab by clicking the “Set…” button in the top-left corner of that tab.