I got the original Maslow from Makermade, with the Arduino Mega. I’ve upgraded the system with the Metalmaslow square sled and Z-Axis
Recently I upgraded my Raspberry Pie from WebControl to Makerverse 1.1.2
I started the calibration routine following Rob’s video and using the preset for the MetalMaslow square sled.
I entered -918.75 in the raw z-axis value field. Unit is set to mm. When I tested the z-axis by 1 down it moved the axis by 25.4mm (1") up. I would have expected it to move 1mm down. The bigger wheel (42mm diameter) is on the Z-axis motor, the smaller on lead screw.
Something is not quite right here? Can you help? How can I set it so that it only moves by 1mm? Do I need to divide 918.75 by 25.4mm?
Btw. z-axis did not stop on soft limits and actually damaged the motor. Probably safer to suggest removing the motor and testing it outside the Z-Axis mechanics so it can’t run against hard machine limits and break.
I will start by saying that I don’t have your MetalMaslow set up, but from all my reading here on the forums, and working on my own Meticulous Z axis, I know if you command it to go down, and it moves up, you need to change the “-/+” sign in your pitch (raw Z-axis - again I don’t use Makerverse). so if you have -918.75 and it went up instead of down, the logic to me would say make it 918.75 and see if it moves in the right direction.
After that, I use the following error calculation method from the Meticulous Z post (Comment #618) to get the Z-travel dialed in:
If you have the standard Z axis motor, you don’t want to use the settings I did with the “fast” z axis motor from metalmaslow. You should leave the default numbers in there for the standard motor from makermade.
in the video I say “Hey, I’m Rob.” Yes that is me.
Here are the numbers I came up with:
Z axis motor settings for DUE
STD Z motor
Metal high spd
z axis travel resolution
z axis maximum rate
z axis acceleration
The 918.75 only works if the gearing is the same. I had a 1:3 gearing on mine, so it maybe off by a factor of 3 for your belt pulley setup. if you tell it to move 10 mm, how far does it move? I got these numbers by moving and measuring. You will likely need to do the same to get yours since your movement setup isn’t identical. Sorry for the trouble. I hope this helps.