Maslow 4 - First boot errors

I just started my Maslow 4 for the first time in my attempt to get it setup and calibrated. I was able to get it to connect to my Wifi fine, but I noticed that is spamming an Error message so I haven’t attempted to calibrate as I could not figure out how to address the issue.

I have the error “[MSG:ERR: Encoder not found on top left]”. All of my encoders are connected and have lights from the RJ45 jacks. I’m also not sure about the error related to “No heartbeat from machine”.

Any help or direction is appreciated.

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There is definitely some issue with the top left encoder, it’s possible that there could be something wrong with it.

The first thing to try is unplugging and re-plugging both ends of that Ethernet cable, then turning it on again and seeing if the error goes away.

If that doesn’t do it, lets try unplugging both the of the etherent cables on the left side of the board and swapping which port they are plugged into and then turning it on again. We want to see if the issue stays the same or switches to reporting a different encoder not found.

Swapping the ethernet cables between ports on the board changes the error to be the “Bottom Left” now. Power cycling and swapping which ethernet cable was used didn’t affect anything.

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Unfortunately it sounds like a bad encoder board to me.

Shoot an email to with where you want the replacement sent and we’ll send you a new one first thing tomorrow.

Sorry about that!

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