I have received my maslow 4 and got it put together and calibrated. The issue that I’m having is that when the machine is moving to the left when looking at the machine the sled starts to rock and angle towards the anchor point its moving towards. When that happens the z height changes and the cut isn’t exactly where it wants to be. I am able to put my hand on the sled and keep it against the board but if I would let go it would raise up. It’s only happening in one direction and near the top of the usable working area. Is this just a limitation of the machine or is it user error. The machine works great in all the other directions. Thanks for any response. And let me know if I’m not explaining this problem the best.
I think that I totally understand what you are talking about. There are two things that I think can help. First is to angle the frame a little more. More angle will help keep the sled against the surface while cutting.
Second is to use a shorter router bit. The longer the router bit and the higher the z-axis while cutting, the more it will want to tilt.
I have received my maslow 4 and got it put together and calibrated. The issue
that I’m having is that when the machine is moving to the left when looking at
the machine the sled starts to rock and angle towards the anchor point its
moving towards. When that happens the z height changes and the cut isn’t
exactly where it wants to be. I am able to put my hand on the sled and keep it
against the board but if I would let go it would raise up. It’s only happening
in one direction and near the top of the usable working area. Is this just a
limitation of the machine or is it user error. The machine works great in all
the other directions. Thanks for any response. And let me know if I’m not
explaining this problem the best.
This usually happens because the sled isn’t sliding, waxing the bottom of the
sled so it slides more easily usually helps.
Could the issue be that the anchor points are too far forward as well? the wasteboard is behind the anchor points at the same angle. Ill upload some pictures to maybe explain it better for me. Thanks.
If you have a look in the maslow.yaml file you’ll find four lines (maybe plus the leading comments) as follows:
# Z axis values
# These define the height of the anchor points in relation to each of the arms. You do not need to change these typically
Maslow_tlZ: 100
Maslow_trZ: 56
Maslow_blZ: 34
Maslow_brZ: 78
This shows what’s expected in terms of how far ‘down’ each anchor is expected to be relative to the M4.
That and put some wax or other dry lubricant on the bottom of the sled.
For me it did the lifting thing when going ‘up’ on the left hand side of the frame.
The belts being angled ‘down’ towards the cutting surface is part of what holds the sled against the surface. Definitely want to have the anchors on a plane parallel to the mounting/workpiece surface as well.