Maslow 4 - The next generation of Maslow

I second @ronlawrence3’s advice. While we have had success solving some problems, there are still a few for which we don’t have answers / solutions, but we’re working on them.

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Ciao, sto calibrando su un telaio verticale, a calibrazione avvenuta, se dico di applicare tensione alle cinghie, la slitta si posiziona in centro al pannello, ma se seleziono home posizion la slitta si posiziona quasi in fondo a sinistra.

È normale che non venga mostrata sullo schermo la posizione della slitta?

Dopo altri due aggiornamenti la slitta continua a staccarsi dal pannello durante la calibrazione

Does the m4 accept gcode files created with Fusion 360?

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Enea wrote:

Does the m4 accept gcode files created with Fusion 360?

Yes, if you configure Fusion 360 to output for a GRBL machine. If you pick other
machines, it may not work (there is a maslow definition for the old versions of
maslow that is a subset of GRBL that should work as well, it’s more limited than
what the maslow 4 can use, but should be safe)

David Lang

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Does the m4 only work with WiFi? Would it be possible to upload gcode files via the USB connector? I happened to have to turn off the WiFi to be able to access the internet with Android while the m4 was working, but when I reconnected it no longer showed how far through the program it had reached.

I may be misunderstanding your situation, but

  1. the Maslow can work using a serial connection over the USB, but I think it has limitations, and
  2. the Maslow works in two wifi modes. The first is where the Maslow simulates being a hotspot and you have to disconnect from the Internet to connect to it. The second mode is where the Maslow connects to your home network via wifi and your android should be able to connect to it without losing Internet access. That’s done by setting the wifi SSID and password in your Maslow config.
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With the maslow user interface, yes, wifi is the only way to use it. There is a way to use another program to run the gcode (universal gcode sender or openbuilds control or other gcode sender) via the USB. I know there are others in the forums that have had success with this. see

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Hi, today I started working on a piece. After loading the gcode I moved the slide and reset the Home position. Shortly after starting the program I stopped the sled with the pause or stop button, I don’t remember exactly and I pressed the home button again to return it to the initial position but it began to descend to the ground. (it is a vertical frame)
Could I have done something wrong? Thank you

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it sounds as if something went wrong and you reverted to a prior version of the
maslow.yaml that has it set for horizontal rather than vertical.

that flag being wrong is the most common reason for it falling to the ground on
a vertical frame.

what firmware version are you running? check your maslow.yaml file to see what’s
on the machine.

David Lang

I don’t think that you did anything wrong, but the pause and stop button are still somewhat buggy I think. Those buttons interact with FluidNC which is separately keeping track of the position of the machine and acceleration for gcode planning, the position for step generation, and the position for the internal coordinate system and if any of those things ends up disagreeing with the others it leads to weird behavior.

If you can find a set of steps which replicates the issue I can probably fix it.

I’m using version 0.75, I don’t know how to open the Maslow file. Yaml

I’ll try more carefully, it’s already happened to me three times.

Now another problem occurred to me, I placed the tip of the cutter on the piece, but even though I selected define home Z, the position did not reset.

Can you record a video of what is happening? I’m not sure that I understand correctly :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll try to explain myself better, I can’t reset the Z axis when I change the cutter on the router. Pressing the DEFINE HOME Z button does not reset

It does not reset the z-axis position to 0?

At this moment the tip of the cutter is resting on the workpiece and I have just pressed “define home” for the Z axis.

When machining begins, the cutter always remains higher than expected

In the photo, the Z axis is at zero?

I solved it, I was wrong to give the origin of the piece. Would it be possible to save more than one configuration, and then load them when necessary? Maybe a vertical and a horizontal one?

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There was a bug with mm vs imperial.

What unit is your gcode? After a gcode in imperial, I had it wander infinitely in some directions because it was travelling now in inches instead of MM… But this may have been fixed, so it might not be your issue

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Yes, all the configuration is stored in the maslow.yaml file so you can have as many configurations as you like and switch between them by replacing that file

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Is there a way to turn the Maslow 4 off and on again, even the next day, without having to retract and extend the straps each time? Doesn’t it remember your last location?