Is there a way to turn the Maslow 4 off and on again, even the next day,
without having to retract and extend the straps each time? Doesn’t it
remember your last location?
No there is not (currently), It does not remember it’s location when it’s turned
off, and even if it did, there isn’t any way for the maslow to be sure that the
motors haven’t moved while it’s turned off.
Trying to figure out what the latest stable firmware is for Maslow4. I have not located anything in the forums that lists this (but I likely am not searching in the correct place or in the correct way - see my wife for examples)
I have not updated the firmware as yet - I got it assembled but have not powered it up. I will likely power it up and search around a bit.
Many thanks, in advance!
PS - My Maslow4 arrived with FluidNC v0.72 (Maslow-Main-996b2ffa-dirty) … the -dirty ending does not sound like a stable release. Do I need to worry about this?
I installed version 0.78.1, after calibration, every time I press HOME the slide always stops in a different position.
Could it be that the command captions in the Maslow file… are off by one line?
Loading: Screenshot_20240627-175002.jpg…
I reinstalled 0.78, and if everything is blocked, the blue LED now flashes. Instead of the network Maslow still looks for Fluidnc
if you don’t want to use 0.78.1 go back to 0.77, 0.78 has known bugs, the wrong
SSID, it looks for the wrong .yaml file, and it doesn’t properly blink the IP
address with the blue light
well, it isn’t a secure site, it’s not encrypted, and connecting directly to the
maslow does not give you access to the Internet, so with some operating systems
you have to tell it that you really do mean to use this network.
Ok, what is happening is that you are not pulling up the maslow page in a normal browser, the page is being pulled up as if it was a captive portal login at a hotel, and those windows aren’t fully functional.
open a normal browser window after you get to that point