Maslow Stool Fusion 360 Issue

I’ve seen this with a few 2d contour CAM attempts but today it occurred on the Maslow stool so I thought I’d ask.

When selecting contours for 2D contour the stool top, ring, and 1 side of the stool (the solid SIDE IIRC) can all be selected as single contours. The stool side with the gap however requires me to click individual lines on the model line by line all the way around it.

What causes that mess and how can I avoid this?

I gave up on it bc no matter how many times I clicked around the perimeter I always ended up with a blank profile error.

It’s hard to visualize what’s going on, but I’m wondering if you have an open contour. If you are doing a profile cut, I doubt you want that, but here is how you would select a open contour without clicking each segment. Maybe this will shed some light on the issue.

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