Nope! We’re not going out of business
Financially everything is actually looking great. @dlang is right that most of our money is wrapped up in inventory but we’re not about to miss the rent and the forums won’t go anywhere anytime.
We just need a chance to stop worrying about what’s stuck in customs where and what we need to order and buying tape and all that stuff long enough to take stock of how we can do things better.
I think we can do a better job of meeting the communities needs and have better work/life balance.
Like everything we do, we’ll reflect as a collaborative process with the community once we get this batch out the door. When we started the project the lay of the land was totally different than it is now and it just feels like time to assess if we’re doing things the best way.
Our top priory always will be making CNC accessible to as many people as we can.
Priority number two is I want to have time to design a CNC made kayak which splits into small enough parts to fit in the back of my car
TL;DR: We’re not going out of business