Material placement on frame after Easel

I just ordered an M2. This is my first CNC so I am trying to learn everything I can before it arrives.

My question is in regards to where I should place my project wood on the frame after saving the G code in easel.

Everything I’ve watched and read so far seems to say that in Easel I should make the center of my design be centered at 0, 0 (bottom left corner of the easel workspace) where the actual center of the design would be in that corner and part of the project would appear outside the bounds of the work space. Assuming home on my M2 is set dead center of my 4x8 plywood, as I understand it; I should place my project wood where it is perfectly centered on the 4x8 plywood.

Is that correct? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


I vary my home point (bottom left in Easel) for my Maslow depending on where my wood is best placed, or, if working with a left over from an older cut, where there is enough wood left that I can use. I just set the new home to the bottom left of the wood piece I am using. It is just a click (at least in WebControl).

It will become obvious after the first couple of cuts.

Enjoy your CNC!


In makerverse, you drive the sled to the new home position and click the zero x and zero y buttons to set the work home. Machine home is set by resetting chains.

In webcontrol you right click and set home for your cut. You can reset the home position to the machine origin if you want, but generally you won’t need to unless you have a 4x8 cut and need the entire work space.

I use the current router position most of the time. It is much more precise than me trying to hit the correct point on the screen :smiley:


With mouse, I can use the coordinates to pinpoint where it will fit and place it. Using a tape measure and my phone to move and place it also works, but takes longer.

Orob, could you elaborate on this for me. My main issue is say I’ve cut something where the machine was set to home in calibration. Dead center 0,0 on a 4X8 sheet. I have trouble determining the location of where to place the new project in EASEL, to get it where i want it & where my router is currently at. Say top left area since middle has been cut. I find that Ive had to move it in easel, generate g code, import into makerverse multiple times to finally get it right, 50% of the time. Hopefully I’m missing something simple! Thank you in advance to all


in my limited experience with gcode generation (I don’t use easel), the home of the cut is typically lower left corner of the cut area. if you cut a 2’ piece from the center of your board, then you have likely cut two feet up and two feet right from the dead center of your board. to cut to the left of it, you can either slide the sheet to the right 2 feet to cut the same thing again or you can change your local home position (not to be confused with the machine home which is a calibrated position). On the M2, you use the mouse to move your sled to the position you want to be the new origin and you zero out the x and y axis so it reports it is at the local work “home”/zero position. One of the best features of webcontrol is the right click menu that lets you set the home position with the mouse. the drawing will then reposition to that location. you can then tell the sled to go home move to the origin.

Are you moving the home position as described higher up in this thread? That feature is there to solve exactly this issue.

Yes Sir, I am and have been doing as described above. I do not have ground or web control yet, but it seems like that may be another option to try. Example, i just cut a parabolic light ( came out awesome) My objective is to find out how to make use of a full 4X8. I could cut atleast 5 or 6 light setups with line sheet. Yet when i zero the position to where i drive the sled, it does not correspond with the location that its in and will try to cut in spots that have already been partially cut. Should I get ground or web control? I know im getting close to the break through…. Thank you for all the help you guys have provided. Patrick

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I don’t have much experience with Makerverse so I can’t give you direct advice, but I’m pretty sure it should be possible to reset the zero position in makerverse. In Ground Control and Web Control I know that you can.

Photos and screenshots might help us to figure out what is going on.