Dear All,
I do woodworking as a hobby and not really a tech guy. I have no Auto-CAD experience and am terribly bad with electronics. Nevertheless, your product has enticed me to get into uncharted territory for me and am very keen to give it a go. I have gone through your web site and watched alot of utube videos. Before affecting purchase, I would like to ask you a few questions please:
I am considering buying the Metal Maslow CNC kit and assemble it on a metal frame as described by Meticulous Maynard in Super Maslow pt1 on you tube I also seem to think that he attached the chain motors at the end of the metal frame really well. Can I have your comments on this please?
Moreover, instead of using a bungee cord to keep the chain tension, I was thinking of using weights and use the contraption adapted by jtandnz. You may wish to view this on the following:
I am of the humble opinion that the above set up should make for as near accurate set up as is possible and would thus be able to use the machine till the extreme corners of a normal 8’ x 4’ sheet board. Can I have your opinion on this matter please?
Next question, re the Metal Maslow CNC kit: does this kit do away with the 2 bricks as weight? I’m assuming the metal sled will be heavy enough but nothing of the sort was mentioned in the description of the kit.
Next question; will this machine be able to read Auto-CAD files? I was hoping to start attending a course on the subject and it would be nice to know that I can use it on the Maslow.
Last question: I live in Malta, Europe and here our single phase electricity is 240v - 60Hz. Will the electronics of the kit match this voltage or would I have to buy a separate transformer to change from 240V to 110V ?
Thank you for your attention.